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K70 mk.2 not showing in iCUE, doesn't load profile

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Hi all


New to the forum/first time poster.


I've been speaking with Corsair support for nearly two months now, and just thought I'd reach out here as well in case someone has had a similar issue and may offer some advice.


I built my PC in July this year with what I'd call fairly up to date components and hardware. I'm running Corsair memory and Corsair AIO CPU cooler. Both have had lighting profiles setup in iCUE without a problem, both products are operating perfectly well.


However, I bought a Corsair K70 low profile keyboard, and since owning it, I've had ongoing issues with the software on it. The issues are intermittent and I've thus far been unable to spot a particularly trend that causes this to happen. The issues I'm experiencing:


1. Keyboard profile won't load on boot, stays on default profile

2. Keyboard doesn't appear in iCUE

3. Keyboard appears in iCUE, but has a red triangle next to it

4. Keyboard doesn't work at all on boot


2 and 3 don't happen together, it'll always be one or the other.


If I unplug the keyboard from my motherboard and plug it back in, the correct profile immediately loads and the issues don't re-appear again until the next boot.


Here's the strange part - sometimes, the keyboard will load correctly on start up and there's no issues.


After speaking with technical support at Corsair (who have been extremely helpful), they had me update the firmware manually, reset the keyboard, and eventually suggested it may have a faulty controller. So I had the keyboard replaced under warranty from where I purchased it. The new keyboard arrived last week, worked correctly for a few days, and since yesterday, the issue has started happening again.


So I believe it's not a problem with the hardware.


I can't think of anything else that could be causing this, the only other RGB control software I have is RGBFusion from Gigabyte for the motherboard. But this hasn't affected the memory or the CPU cooler.


So, any thoughts?

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I am not sure we have figured this one out yet. The device (almost always KB) sporadically freezes on boot and you get the generic red triangle error. I had a K70 mk.2 Low Profile that did this. It might do it 5 times in a row, then not again for 2 weeks. Since I have 5 other Corsair KBs, including another K70 Mk.2 SE that never do it, I assumed it was hardware and sent it back for a replacement. The new one does the same thing. It might do a few times in succession and then not again. Can always be solved by a quick reconnect of the two USB cables to the rear I/O. It does not reoccur after the reconnect during that session. So I guess you're down to how much you like the KB vs how much you dislike having to reconnect it. I do like my K70 LP and don't have another like it, so I kept it.


I don't think it's a specific software combination. We have no similar hardware components and I have no GA software in my systems. It's possible any other software loading on boot might prevent the proper initialization, but then my other 5 Corsair KBs don't do this. I am curious if you have a standard K70 Mk.2 or the low profile version.

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I am not sure we have figured this one out yet. The device (almost always KB) sporadically freezes on boot and you get the generic red triangle error. I had a K70 mk.2 Low Profile that did this. It might do it 5 times in a row, then not again for 2 weeks. Since I have 5 other Corsair KBs, including another K70 Mk.2 SE that never do it, I assumed it was hardware and sent it back for a replacement. The new one does the same thing. It might do a few times in succession and then not again. Can always be solved by a quick reconnect of the two USB cables to the rear I/O. It does not reoccur after the reconnect during that session. So I guess you're down to how much you like the KB vs how much you dislike having to reconnect it. I do like my K70 LP and don't have another like it, so I kept it.


I don't think it's a specific software combination. We have no similar hardware components and I have no GA software in my systems. It's possible any other software loading on boot might prevent the proper initialization, but then my other 5 Corsair KBs don't do this. I am curious if you have a standard K70 Mk.2 or the low profile version.


Yep that sounds similar to my issue, also resolved by unplugging it. Very frustrating. Definitely love the keyboard, but having to unplug/plug back in continually is very inconvenient (first world problem, I know). Haha

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  • 1 month later...

bumping this up and hopefully corsair support will provide resolution. i just bought 2 k70mk.2 low profiles along with dark core se mouse last week and am getting weary of having to unplug & replug the cords for the kb's.


this is our very first purchase of corsair products (as i used to be heavily invested in lolgitech - yea, not a typo - ecosystem but decided to call it quits after recent series of unresolved product failure and after spending $x,xxx over the years)


the corsair kb is very nice over all but if my introduction to corsair will be greeted with problems from the get go, im not sure i will be spending towards their ecosystem and these new purchases, albeit good over-all, will have to be returned.


anyone have resolved this issue yet?

Edited by slamtaz
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  • 5 months later...
Have same problem and also love this keyboard but at times hate having to unplug and replug to get it working . being a gamer its important to have the correct profile loaded for the game or its a pain to play, plus colors tell me if its connected or not. some days it connects some not( more often than not connected)
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