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4 LL Fans Flickering because of Lighting Node Pro


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I installed a Fans 1-3 (3 front facing) and Fan 4 (rear exhaust) in my case. For purpose of this system, I will name my two other fans, Fans 5 and 6 (Top radiator out, push configuration). All 6 fans are Corsair LL 120 mm White. Fans 5 and 6's led connectors are connected to the H110i. It has no problem.


However, Fans 1-4 are connected to a Lightning Node Pro (as part of the 3 pack corsair white 120 mm LL fans) via the 6 way LED Hub (which connects Fan 1-4's led cable to input 1-4, connected in series to the Lighting Node Pro at input 1. The Lighting Node Pro is connected to my motherboard's USB.


I installed this tonight and immediately, I noticed both flickering and random light going on and off on Fans 1-4. If I set all Fans 1-4 to default rainbow wave, Fans 1-4 flicker like crazy. If I set instant lighting on all of iCue to "black", Fans 5 and 6 turn off completely. Corsair vengeance RGB turn off. But Fans 1-4 randomly light up parts of each fan for about a second, consistently. Fans 5 and 6 (because they are connected directly to my H110i) have no problem.


I took 4 pretty good videos that perfectly capture the problem, but this forum wouldn't let me upload them. Possibly too large size. I still think I described the problem properly.


I tried to comb through similar problems in this forum but didn't really find a good solution. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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These fans operate in series so one flaky fan can set the entire chain off.

Start with a single fan in port 1. Does it light up correct? Yes? Put it on port 2. Put another fan in port 1. Does it and the next fan light up correct? Yes? Then this fan is GOOD. Keep repeating. Finally, put the fan in port 2 back in port 1 with a fan that lights up properly in port 2. Are both good?

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Thanks for the quick response!


I'm a little confused when you said "Does it and the next fan light up correct". Is "it" original Fan 1 or now Fan 2?.


Here's my test results so far.


1. Only Fan 1 in Input 1 -> working perfect.

2. Fan 1 in input 2 and Fan 2 in input 1 -> both flicker/light up.

3. Fan 1 back in input 1 and Fan 2 in input 2 -> both working perfect.






Update. Going with this. I then:


4. put Fan 3 in input 3 and Fan 4 in input 4.


Now all 4 are good. Weird.


I'll let this sit for a few hours and see if anything comes up, but seems the change in configuration worked.


What happened?

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"It" would be the fan in port 1. Does the fan in Port 1 AND the fan in Port 2 light up correctly?

It sounds like you have one fan that's a little flaky and it's not sending the signal along correctly. They are like Christmas tree lights - they run in series and one bad one can take the entire line down. My guess is that the fan in port 4 is the misbehaving one. Switch that with Port 1 and see what happens.

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Well. . . it is working properly now. But I don't remember the original configuration.


What I know for sure is that Fan 4 went to input 1 and Fan 1 went to input 2. Not sure which of Fan 3 or 4 went to which of the remaining inputs. But all 4 fans are lighting up properly now.


Just wondering, if at least one of them was faulty (and depending on the chain, causing others to flicker), wouldn't at least my "newly configured" Fan "4" in input 4 be flickering?


All of them work now.

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