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Performance question, between 3200 and 2700


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I have a sy-p4i865pe plus dragon 2 v1.0 motherboard

p4 2.4c 800 HT

ATI 9600, 128 meg, 128 bit

sata seagate 80 gig HD



ddr3200 just will not run stable when playing higher end games. The games freeze or lock-up when using VSM512MBkit400c3.


But if I use VSM512MBkit333c3 (pc2700) everything is fine. It states that the ddr3200 is compatible for my mobo, but I just cannot seem to get it stable when playing games using the pc3200 on this mobo. Memtest show no errors on the pc 3200. There is no option to raise the memory voltage in the bios with this board.


So my question is, is the performance difference between the 3200 and the 2700 worth getting a new mobo over. Or should I just stick with the pc2700 being the games seem stable with it?

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