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Which module is better of a Asus P4C800 Deluxe


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I have an Asus P4C800 Deluxe and I also have available to me a pair of Twinx1024-3200XLPT and a pair of Twinx-3700PT. Which one of these would be best used on my system.


I have a P4 3.0 GHZ and Radeon 9800Pro.


What would be the best settings for this configuration (using the best pair of memory)


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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I'd opt for the 3200XL.

I did some really basic, generic tests and I found that I was able to get better performance with the 3700, even if the latency is not as great as the 3200XL, simply for the fact that I can increase the bus speed to 233mhz. This simple change increased the CPU from 3.0GHz to 3.45GHz.


But then again, I am inexperienced in these things, and so I ask you guys.

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