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Macro on key press


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The game I want to make a macro for only allows macros where you execute a series of actions by pressing the same button several times, you can't have a single key press doing multiple actions. I can't seem to figure out how to do this in CUE.
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What I am trying to do is have for example a macro of 1, then 2, then 3 bound to a single button in such a way that when I press the button the first time, it triggers 1, when I press it the second time it triggers 2, third time triggers 3 and then fourth time triggers 1 again and so on and so forth.
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  • Corsair Employee

This is possible but it is a complicated feature. First make 3 profiles. Then for each profile, make two actions:


1.) Profile Switching Action that loops to the next Profile (for example, Profile Switches to Profile 2, Profile 2 to 3, and Profile 3 to 1.


2.) Then create the macro you want to use.


3.) Assign the macro to the key you want to use, and in advanced options, for "Second Action" select the profile switching action you configured in step 1.


You can now trigger the macro with keypress, and then itll switch to a second profile on release so you can use a different macro with that same keypress until it loops back to profile 3.


I created an example for you (attached). In my example, there are 3 profiles, with the "1" key doing "123", "456", and "789" everytime you press it. After the third macro, itll loop back to the first profile which has 123.

Macro Example.zip

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