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Speed switch wobble?


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Hi guys,


I just bought my first Corsair keyboard and pretty much love it. The only issue I have is the key wobble. Given that I play a lot of FPS, I need to hold down the WASD button. While holding, the key wobbles pretty much all over the place; its not dramatic, but big enough to notice. Just wondering, is this considered to be normal or is it a defect? Also, would O-Rings help alleviate the issue?


I am aware that there is some play with the switch mechanism itself, but my other keys dont give as much "feedback" as my WASD buttons do. I have already checked that the keycaps are tight with the stem.

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all of mine wobble but I did not find it to be an issue...


hmm. just to make sure we're on the same page, are you referring to the normal play you have on the keys or the wobbliness that happens when u hold it down?

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