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270r grommets?


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I've finally found a case that I like! (Damn near impossible since I'm really picky on features/layout/etc). I'm close to buying a 270r but it doesn't come with grommets :mad:


I've seen a couple other threads here saying grommets from one case line will fit another, ie, the cutout size is the same across different cases. Is this true? Can I just buy a grommet set and slap it in there?


I'm looking at this kit just to have extras on hand.


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  • 2 weeks later...

For once not listening paid off! I got the case and ordered the grommet set for the 350D case. Here are the results: The video card power cable grommet is a bit narrow, but will be fine when I put a dab of superglue on it. The two larger grommets are a bit wide for the cutout, but should look fine once I run cables through them.









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