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H100i GTX Air Bubbles?


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So I've had my H100i GTX for nearly a year now, and just recently it's begun to make some faint bubbling sounds every now and then. Honestly not sure what to think of it, it's just louder than my fans (which are rather quiet) from ~1 meter away from my PC. Is this normal for liquid cooling (this is my first CLC) or is it a sign of something else? Basically should I be worried or not? Thanks in advance for any replies!
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Is it gurgling constantly? Or just for a few seconds at every now and then?


It's only every now and then. I've noticed it about 3 times in the past day. I don't think it's an issue right really, but could it be a sign of a long term issue that will continue to grow?

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It's probably not a serious issue. I kind of like the occasional gurgle to remind me it's running, but then I always had a fish tank growing up. If it is just air bubbles, you can tip the case over on it's side (while the pump is running) and let it cycle for a while. This may move the bubbles on. If that's impractical or impossible you can take the whole unit out, supply it with power, and turn it back and forth to try and accomplish the same thing. I suppose it is also possible some small level of evaporation has occurred and there is a tiny bit of air in the system. Not much you can do about that, but it does not affect performance and is harmless, other than the occasional gurgle.
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