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Corsair Neutron XT turned into 2MB drive

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Corsair Neutron XT SSD worked fine as the system drive in laptop for 1 month. After a sudden BSOD it failed to boot.

Connected the drive via USB controller to a working PC. It is displayed as a 2MB drive in disk manager and fails to initialize (Data error (Cyclic redundancy check)).

Corsair SSD toolbox can see the Neutron XT disc, shows firmware version (SAFC01.5), serial etc. No SMART readings, however, and drive size is 2MB.

I did not try secure wipe because hope for your help to save the data.

Toolbox can not update firmware because it is latest version already.

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Same thing at connecting by SATA and booting parted magic: 2MB drive, I/O error at any attempt to read.


Is there a way to try refreshing firmware? I believe, flushing the same version of firmware may fix the drive, at least for some time to recover the data.


RMA is in place, but I would like to recover the data first, if possible. Could you please suggest some ideas.

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Unfortunately, No, there isn't a way to reflash the firmware. You can consider contacting data recovery specialists and see whether they can help.


It may also be best to let Corsair know that you are attempting to recover data and whether or not it will affect the warranty status (If the drive is to be opened).

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Ok. The data is not that valuable to spend money for specialists and void warranty.

Any idea why the failure might have happened? I do not want such thing happen in future.

The drive was in a notebook with AC and battery power. The notebook was idle at the moment of failure. (except Win7 X64 background activity)

The SATA controller was in RAID ON mode, could this have caused the issue? Intel rapid storage driver was not installed, however.

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A failure can occur at any time and be caused by really anything.


The best approach would to always keep a backup of your data to prevent data loss in the future.


It would probably be best to ask Corsair which SATA mode is recommended if AHCI is not an option.

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