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pump noise on h115


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  • Corsair Employee
Our Hydro cooler pumps should not produce a clicking sound. You may want to try setting the BIOS fan control to maximum speed or PWM mode for the CPU_FAN header or fan header on which your H115i is plugged into. If the issue persists, submit a ticket here.
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Our Hydro cooler pumps should not produce a clicking sound. You may want to try setting the BIOS fan control to maximum speed or PWM mode for the CPU_FAN header or fan header on which your H115i is plugged into. If the issue persists, submit a ticket here.


What would that have to do with pump power? The H115i pump plugs into a SATA power source, the only thing the CPU header does it a single line RPM reading that reads only the pumps RMP either around (960rpm for quiet pump and 1450 for performance pump). You have to set the pump speed via the CorsairLink software off the USB header connection but the whole device Pumps and the 2 PWM fans get their power from that SATA power plug off your PSU.


Its funny because the manual for the H115i says the plug the pump power into the CPU header but that is not even how you hook it up. :) My old H105 powered the pump off a MB power header but the H115i is the SATA power.


@leahd4 the pump is pretty quiet on my H115i, I can't even hear it when I put it on performance over quiet. The fans idle at 1000rpm or so and I can hear those over any pump noise, so if yours is clicking I would submit a ticket like Faux is advising.

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I just installed an H115i today, and I'm concerned about pump noise as well.


(I listened to the video, but it is hard to hear anything specific.)


I can hear 2 sounds from the AIO. The first is what I'll call a swishing sound. This is barely audible with an ear right next to the pump in Silent mode (pump shows 1830 rpm in Link). When bumped to Performance mode (~2880 rpm) the swishing increases appropriately, which is expected. I am used to the swishing noise with previous Corsair AIOs that I've owned.


The second sound is more of a constant, motorized hum. This remains pretty much the same in both Quiet and Performance mode. I can hear it outside the case, and it is irritating.


Can anyone advise if this is normal for this AIO or do I have a defective unit?



P.S. The Quickstart guide for this cooler omits the "connect the SATA power step", as mentioned above.

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Can you guys please tell me if your motherboards had any issue recognizing that the sensor wire is connected to the CPU_Fan header. My ASUS x99 doesn't recognize I have a CPU cooler when I try to boot even though I have the wire connected.



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Ah, I saw your post in another part of this forum, but was unsure if I can help.


You said another fan works on that connector (if I remember correctly), so you've been tricking your machine to boot that way. This confirms the fan header works.


I was thinking the H115i wanted a PWM connector, and somehow that fan connector was set to DC. However, most CPU_FAN connectors are PWM, and the H115i connector is only 3-pin anyway (?), so PWM is irrelevant.


The last thing I can think of is if the 3-pin connector (on the cooler) is defective. Are you cable to get it to work on any of your other fan headers?



To continue on my post, the pump is noisy, so I'll be returning it. :( I may consult Corsair support just to confirm though.

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Thanks for responding. Sorry for hijacking your thread briefly and sorry about your pump.

Though I didn't find a similar post to mine by searching this forum, I did a Google search which led me to Toms Hardware with a link back to this forum. Turns out a member had exact problem as mine one yr ago with a H110i. Corsair determined his sensor was faulty and RMAd his cooler. I'll be taking that route.

Thanks again.

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For what it's worth, I returned the 115i, and moved to a 110i v2 which also helped with some rad space concerns.


On the "Quiet" profile, the pump and fans are indeed quiet on the 110i v2. The 115i would push more fluid (and draws more power via SATA as well), but I still think something was wrong with my sample - it was just too loud even on Silent.

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well im working on a pc store and all the h110i gtx do the same noise on the pump

i figured its the pump itself.

but if any from corsair thinks i shouild rma it then.....

would likr to hear mnore.

greaybeard told me it sounds like air stuck there

so i think itll go away no?

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my pump does this as well. but it doesnt do it all the time its like off and on. should the pump be circulating water all the time? eather way i dont have any control over pump speed or fan speeds bc pump doesnt show up in device manger.
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