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H2100 Audio dominant on left instead on right?


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Hey fellas,


Just received replacement for my previous H2100 which went faulty. The new headset works fine, issue is that I noticed the sound is more prominent on the left side than the right. I downloaded the corsair gaming panel, which I'm assuming came with the necessary drivers. It makes no difference in what I'm doing, playing a game or even watching a video, the sound is louder on the left. And this is from when I fully charged it, made the appropriate steps to install the headset right out from the box. I can faintly hear the right side, so I don't think it's broken or anything.


If I could just adjust the balance through the Playback Devices, that would easily fix the problem. But the Corsair H2100 doesn't give me the choice to do so.


Any help please?

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