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1,5 months shipping time? Are you kidding me?


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Ticket 6737514


So, my K70 RGB had some issues with key chattering 6 months after purchase. First I had to send it to the webshop where I bought it, they said there were no problems found lol, took about 2 weeks all in all. I get my keyboard back and literally the first key I touch registers double, LOL for no problems found (last time I bought at that webshop btw). Then i'm debating with Corsair customer support for 3 weeks to eventually get my RMA approved. So I send them my keyboard and guess what, planned shipping date is the 4th of april because the keyboard is out of stock!? Are you kidding me!? 1,5 months without a keyboard, luckely I have a old crappy replacement for now but what if I didn't had an old keyboard laying around, I would have been forced to buy one for the time being or not being able to use my computer for 1,5 months...

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