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Corsair Link showing extra fans


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This is my first time posting, and so if I do something wrong or anything just let me know. Also there should be an attachment in this post, but again i'm new to this and not entirely sure how it works.


I recently got a Corsair H100i GTX AIO cpu cooler and connected i to the motherboard using the usb cable that comes with. It reads the cpu fan and pump excellent and lets me configure the speed without problems.


However on the left side, on the front page under information regarding my motherboard it show a Fan2 with an rpm off about 4500 and a Fan3 with an rpm about 15. I do not have fans that can run either that fast or that slow. Is there something I can do to either fix the reading or just remove the two fans from Corsair Link?


BTW: The fans are connected to the three CHA_Fan pins on the motherboard.


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CL has been know to do similar things before, see http://forum.corsair.com/forums/showthread.php?p=805421.


Were you to post my SIV [Cooling Status] panel I could say more.


For a first post you did rather well and better than many, though the white space on the right is not ideal.


I just spotted "Operating System 64" in your PC specs which is next to useless and the same level of information as I specify would be ideal, though just the Build number would be enough for me.


I would have included a link in http://forum.corsair.com/forums/showthread.php?p=839427 back to this thread.

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