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CUE automatic switching


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Does anyone here know if it's possible to assign a button on the keyboard (or mouse) to change to automatic profile switching? It's a bit annoying that if i change profile through my keyboard shortcut I have to click CUE and set it to automatic before playing games - it kind of takes away the automatic in automatic... Also why does mode cycle only change mode on either the keyboard or the mouse - and not changing both together?


Best regards


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Unfortunately, there is no option to enable/disable automatic profile switching in CUE other than to right click the notifications tray icon.


The Mode selection/switching are not linked to other devices. Though if i recall correctly, i think some people have requested it the feature you are asking for.

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Would be really nice if you could change profile yourself while the automatic still woul be working. Then I would be able to change through a shortcut key (like the Windows lock key) AND it would still change automatically when assigned to a program. I hope it will be like that in the future...
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  • 3 years later...

My real wonder is that there isn't a checkbox in iCUE somewhere that just gives each profile a run of say a minute (Users could select their own time!) before it cycles to the next in the list.. Is there a technical limitation for this? Or is it some kind of licencing thing? Either way, it's a shame it can't be implemented.


(Sorry for not knowing the reasons why, I'm sure it's been discussed ad-nauseam in here.. ) :evil:

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