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H2100 Sound crackling issue


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Recently, I've been having issues with the audio in my headset. When I enable 7.1 Surround in the control panel, there is a very irritating crackling noise whenever there is sound in the headset. For example, when a friend is speaking loudly in skype, there will be quite a bit of crackling when he speaks.

This is one of the only issues I've had so far with the headset, is there any way to fix this issue? I really don't want to get rid of the headset as I've enjoyed it so far. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I'm having a similar problem with my headset, so I'll go ahead and post here instead of making another thread. Same headset (H2100, wireless), 78LMT-USB3 (Rev. 6.0) mobo. It worked previously on my PC and laptop, but swapping out the mobo to the PC I just mentioned has created the crackling sound (I gave it a fresh windows install, all drivers are updated to the best of my knowledge). It still works perfectly fine on my laptop.


The crackling sound is a very consistent and gives a few rapid and mild cracks every 3 seconds. I've timed it on a logarithmic and linear frequency sweep and there was an even 3 second spacing between the sound for both.


I've done all kinds of different driver installing, uninstalling, and reinstalling for the headset drivers to no avail. I've swapped from the USB 2.0 on the rear panel to the ones on the front, as well as trying the 3.0 ones I have on the back with no change. Finally I read about a similar problem for the logitech G930 headset where it was fixed by disabling "USB selective suspend setting" in the advanced power options but once again, no dice.


Any ideas on further troubleshooting?



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Oh man, I just found the problem.


Motherboard came with a program called Easytune6 that allows simple overclocking functions.


Turns out it polls the system and CPU temperatures every 3 seconds. Quitting the software fixed the problem.


How polling system temperatures can lead to a pop on a wireless headset I have no idea.

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  • 6 months later...


Recently, I've been having issues with the audio in my headset. When I enable 7.1 Surround in the control panel, there is a very irritating crackling noise whenever there is sound in the headset. For example, when a friend is speaking loudly in skype, there will be quite a bit of crackling when he speaks.

This is one of the only issues I've had so far with the headset, is there any way to fix this issue? I really don't want to get rid of the headset as I've enjoyed it so far. Any phen375 http://ohdivinehealth.com/phen375-reviews/ help would be greatly appreciated.



i think it is much better if you try another headset. most of the time audio problems are caused by the device we are using. if same problem occur, i think some troubleshooting will do.

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