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H80i problem.


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I have been havingcooling problems with my pc lately. Where as it used to idle around 25C it now idles around 40-45C. I have removed and replaced it several times and it never gets any better. I have an Asrock Extreme 3 gen 3 mobo and used some spacers to take up the slack in the backplate. In gaming my CPU reaches above 90C. The pump shows a temp of 33C while the CPU shows a temp of 40C or greater. Also every time I set a color for the led next boot it is a half shade lighter than what it was set at. Any help with this issue would be amazing.
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Assuming the H80i is an H80i and not an H80iGT have you set any colour to zero? If so rather than set say 255,0,0 set 255,1,1. It's a long standing firmware bug.


I suspect the H80i is not making good thermal contact with the CPU. Have you tried reseating it? The old compound needs to removed and cleaned away then use new thermal compound.

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So at idle you have an approximate 33C water temperature and 40ish core temperatures? When gaming, does the temperature slowly rise over the course of several minutes? Or is it instantaneous up to 90+? When the core temps are near 90C, what is the water temperature (H80i Temp or H80i Cooler Temp)?


When you have these extreme temperatures, is the exhaust from the H80i quite warm? Or relatively cool?

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Well reseated the cooler yet again and now it's worse. Idling at 60C+ and hits 97C+ running prime 95. CPU almost instantly jumps to 95C while the water slowly climbs up to the 80's. 1 of the hoses is warm while the other is cool. I am so tired of this. It has been going on for weeks now. I'm about to ditch this darn thing and go with a cheap air cooling solution.
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Well Prime will make anything instantly jump in temperature. What I was looking for is whether the water and CPU temperatures would continually climb while at the desktop, or whether they jump up to the 40C level (now 60) and stay fairly level. The behavior of the water temperature is key in determining whether it is a mounting problem (your end) or whether the pump is failing/blocked (Corsair's end).


You don't need to run Prime or any other stress test to assess this. If this is a flow problem, the CPU and water temps will continue to rise with just the browser open. When it's a mounting problem, you get the horrible CPU temps, but the water temperature is usually comparatively low and the exhaust temperature somewhat cool.

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Well took it apart and put the stock intel cooler on and what do you know. My temps at idle are now 30 even when web browsing which used to cause it to jump to 40. Running prime 95 I am hitting no more than 60-65C where as before it almost instantly jumped to 90C and my numbers are slowly creeping back to low 30's. I find it hard to believe that it doesn't have something to do with my H80i being defective. I bought it in 2013 so it is still under warranty. Just not sure what they will do about it and how much I will be out if they decide to replace it.
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Not much more trouble shooting you can do at this point then. Given the gradual change in operational temperatures, it is most likely the pump has been worsening or a blockage developing over time. If the pump block had slipped off a washer or something of the sort, it would have been cool one moment and a hot mess 2 seconds later. Still, it would have been good to be sure.


Follow the RMA link. You will need to create an account if you don't have one. You will have to pay the shipping of the old unit to them. They will post the new one back.

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Already have a ticket in. For a long while now I have had a weird noise on boot up sometimes that eventually goes away. I always assumed it was the fan on the top of my case but perhaps it was the pump. Unsure but will find out in later boots until I get the replacement back. Thank you for all your help.
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