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A Possible Dead K70?


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I've had my K70 since the 26th May 2014 and it has been working perfectly. However today I turned my computer off for a bit and when I turned it back on my keyboard didn't work at all. I have a Razer Deathadder 3.5G plugged into the K70's usb and that was still powered and able to run but the keyboard remained unresponsive. No LEDs lit up, no caps/num lock indicator were lighting up and there was no response when I pushed the key caps down.


I've tried the keyboard on a Windows laptop and a Chromebook and the same problem happens again. The mouse works but the keyboard doesn't.


Is my keyboard dead?



Forgot to mention that my Windows is 8.1 and it's a fresh install as of 2 days ago.

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If L.E.D.s do not light up and the keyboard is not detected in Windows and its the same on another computer, it seems like the keyboard is dead.


You can request an RMA to replace the keyboard, make sure you upload a picture of the invoice as proof of purchase.

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