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Why does Corsair Link suck so much?


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Using an H80i with an i7 930 on a Gigabyte X-58 Mobo.


My CorsairLink kept crashing so I updated it from 2.2 to 2.6.


New features of 2.6?


- No more ability to monitor or restart the service in case it freezes (which it does constantly)


- No more ability to monitor CPU temperature


- No more ability to minimize CorsairLink


I didn't update my version to have significantly less functionality than the version I was already using...


Easily the worst software I've used in my life...shudder to think it's controlling the cooling on my CPU! :mad:


Does anyone have any remedies?...

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That's not true at all, i have 2.6.5214 on windows 7 and its working flawlessly.


Most problems that people get is due to corrupted windows or they did something in the registry. I see that on the Nvidia site as well as they complain about the drivers but in most cases its not the driver but the user that sucks.

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That's not true at all, i have 2.6.5214 on windows 7 and its working flawlessly.


Most problems that people get is due to corrupted windows or they did something in the registry. I see that on the Nvidia site as well as they complain about the drivers but in most cases its not the driver but the user that sucks.


odd,,ive never seen a user related fault:confused:

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That's not true at all, i have 2.6.5214 on windows 7 and its working flawlessly.


Most problems that people get is due to corrupted windows or they did something in the registry. I see that on the Nvidia site as well as they complain about the drivers but in most cases its not the driver but the user that sucks.


Really :bigeyes:?


1. So in a dual monitor setup, when I drag the Corsair Link window from one monitor to another and all the gadgets that were placed in specific places on the case image gets jumbled up into a corner. This is a "corrupted windows or I did something in the registry"


2. Same as above, but all I did was click the "Restore Down" button then "restore Up". This is a "corrupted windows or I did something in the registry"


3. When I select Corsair Link to start minimized and I reboot, and I still see the Corsair Link splash screen. This is a "corrupted windows or I did something in the registry"


4. When I uncheck "Show Tooltips" and I close the application and reopen it and tool tips still show when I mouse hover over an item. This is a "corrupted windows or I did something in the registry"


5. Corsair Link no linger minimizes to the notification tray, it stays on the taskbar. This is a "corrupted windows or I did something in the registry"


6.when I click "Check for Updates" and I am shown this screen:


This is a "corrupted windows or I did something in the registry"


Wow, I guess I must suck because all this worked in 2.4.5110.


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Yeah I agree it is very bad. At first mine picked up the fans, but not the lights, then with an update (2.6 I think) the lights started working. But now for some reason the fans will not pickup. I've tried uninstalling, removing the corsair folder in the AppData/Roaming folder and reinstalling no luck. I've also tried unpluging and repluging in its usb header.
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I don't have these problems so its kinda odd that you do if you ask me.


And if the previous firmware was working great why bother and update the firmware instead of returning to the previous one that worked.


Did you remove your profile and uninstall everything from Corsair? If i do an update ANY update, i delete all software and run ccleaner than restart my system to make sure its all clean from previous drivers/software that can cause any problem.


Kinda strange that you stated that: ''Stick with 2.4.5110 if you are on Windows 7, if you are on Windows 8.X then you are on your own.'' when i am running it and have ZERO problems. Its doing what it suppose to be doing. I am not taking it up for Corsair because i have lots of problems with them but the software is just working fine on my machine.

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I don't have these problems so its kinda odd that you do if you ask me.


And if the previous firmware was working great why bother and update the firmware instead of returning to the previous one that worked.


Did you remove your profile and uninstall everything from Corsair? If i do an update ANY update, i delete all software and run ccleaner than restart my system to make sure its all clean from previous drivers/software that can cause any problem.


Kinda strange that you stated that: ''Stick with 2.4.5110 if you are on Windows 7, if you are on Windows 8.X then you are on your own.'' when i am running it and have ZERO problems. Its doing what it suppose to be doing. I am not taking it up for Corsair because i have lots of problems with them but the software is just working fine on my machine.


Did I mention if I rename any of the fans connected to the Hydro Corsair Link crashes every time I open it.:sigh!:


This is why I stick with It just works.:D:

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Mine used to work great, now it won't detect my lighting node. And i have done everything to fix it. I think my lighting node must be bad. I have disconnected everything and then reconnected each device one at a time. Every device gets detected but my lighting node. I have tried every version of the software. I can see the undetected node that it wants to update, but it fails to update every time. The other issue i have is that it will no longer start up with windows even with the boxed checked, also I do not see it in my start up programs either under task manager. The damn lighting node is the most important device to me. My case just looks dead with no lights. That's pretty funny, it's the sucky users that's the problem and not the crappy software. I hate being sucky. Sure glad i don't have any other problems with software or hardware. Other than corsair link my PC runs pretty damn good.



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