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Simple question?

System: fx-8350,32gb,2-gxt 690's, 2 hard drives.

Nothing OC'd.

Think the RM1000 will be ok? Does the RM1000 have sli? It looks like it does.


Ask any questions.


Hard drives are C:480gb ssd, D:1tb Western Digital.



Thanks for any help


This system is not the same the specs from my my main!

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Thanks for your replies! All parts are corsair btw, mem is Dominator gt 32gb, Hd is Force GT 480gb, Radiator is H110 in Corsair 900 case. Both optical are only Plextor, and #2 hd is a WD Velocorapter. But the psu is a Antec 900 which is giving problems.
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