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Brand new Corsair Vengeance 2100 hissing noise!


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Hi guys,


I just got my brand new Corsair Vengeance 2100 today, charged it for 4 hours and downloaded the driver(s) as suggested.


Had some trouble in the start because I forgot there was a mute sound button, I then proceeded to watch a video, when I noticed this hissing noise, paused the video and the hissing noise kept on going for 3-5 seconds and then stopped.


I read some forum posts about this, but it didn't really help me that much other then trying to download the drivers, which I have. Also tried to play around with the audio settings in the Corsair Headset Control Panel, didn't help either.


I was hoping someone could give me a quick fix on what to do, if possible.


Thanks for reading.



MortenseNN :biggrin:


Edit 1:

The noise gets louder when I switch to surround sound.

2.0 Stereo as the lowest, 5.1 Surround as medium and 7.1 Surround as the loudest.


Edit 2:

I kind of stopped, I think. Maybe they just had to break-in/adjust I don't know.

Now they just have that normal background noise on every headset in the world, the one you don't hear unless you're really trying to.


Edit 3:

Nevermind it didn't stop, so if you have any suggestion on what to do I would appreciate that!

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I don't think there is known workaround for it.


It's best to contact Corsair technical support and see if they have any suggestions to try. You can call them using Skype by calling their toll free number on their website.

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