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Gigabyte UP7 Platinums question


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Need a bit of help as I have a Gigabyte Z77X-UP7 motherboard 3770k cpu and running just the blk at 42 and the other settings to get cpuz to recognize the overclock shut off so my question is I have 2133 platinums 4 sticks - total of 16 gig - I would like to run it at the 2133 speed is this possible and how can I do this - any thoughts on xmp1 - at that it would be 1600mhz - but not sure if that is a stable way of doing this especially with the poor mans OC - thank you



Best ram I have ever owned by the way :)


Regards, Rich

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I think you mixed things up at bit. Your BCLK should be at 100MHz. If you want to OC your 3770K use the unlocked multiplier for that (42x, 42x100=4200).


For your Dominator Platinum all you have to do is enable the XMP and the board should then set DDR3-2133, the timings and voltages appropriately. Keep in mind that raising memory clock can have a slight impact on the voltage needed for a certain cpu overclock.

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