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750D - Problem with the front


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A week ago i finally got my 750D (DHL took some sweet time to get it here ;)) and it is simply a gorgeous case. Guys you really created something special with that case! For me thats the case i've been trying to get for some years now. Perfect!




I meant 'almost' perfect, as it looks like i've got a problem with the front. Well, if you look at the front it seems like the lower left corner isn't fastened to the rest of the case. Top of the front: sits tight - lower right side: fine - lower left corner: you can easily pull it forward (almost half an inch if i got the conversion right).


As i havn't been able to remove the front (yet) so i couldn't take a closer look whats broken there. And i assume that there's something broken.

At least now i have an idea where the tiny plastic parts, which i found inside the case while installing the system, came from.


Normally i closely check every product before i kick the packaging out. This time i didn't - not a single dent in the package, obviously not a returned product, no dents or scratches - looks fine and there's nothing else which can be wrong with a case, right?


Looks like there's a first time for everything...


Anyway, my old case is gone (gifted it to the son of a friend), reclamation time for DHL is over (and there was no indication for a rough handling), and i simply can't send it back to the retailer (no packaging anymore).

Besides the worst thing which can happen to me is a broken/non functioning PC (which imho includes a system without case). ;)


So what can be done? It doesn't look like i can just drill some holes and add some screws to repair the front.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :)




I still love the case! ;)

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OK - Got a handy now for some pics.


This fell out as i made a pic of the side.




Now a pic of the lower left front



Not so easy to keep the phone in one hand trying to shoot a pic and a screwdriver in the other while trying to keep the gap open... ;)

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I'm not quite sure if the front panel is replaceable, also can't identify what that broken piece is.


Submit a ticket and explain your issue in the comments section, also attach these pictures as well as the purchase invoice and see what the Corsair rep. will do.

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Looks to me like some 'hooks' that keep the front in place on the left side. I will try to remove the front later as i now have an idea how to remove it...


Also received the shipment of the cables i was missing, installed them, and make a guess what fell out of the back of the front.




Yep, another one... :(

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If you haven't, put in a ticket and explain your issues with these pictures. The Corsair rep. should be able to help you.


Thats what i've been trying for a few days now. Finally got around the problems with the log in...


Ticket Number: 6468599

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  • 3 weeks later...

The right part just arrived. A big 'Thank you' to all who helped (or tried to do so). :)



Any chance you can put up some pics or write some info. on the install process?


Will do in my buildlog. Seeing that the frame for the drives is modular just gave me some crazy ideas... :bigeyes: :roll: :idea: :D:


I might even get rid of the ports for audio and USB (never needed those anyway). Maybe one or two fillports for watercooling and two Vandalismus- or Klingeltaster.

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Informations about removing the front


1. You have to remove the aluminium front panel and the dust filter.

2. then you have to remove the frame for the drives in the front. It is held by four clips and i recommend to remove installed drives as well. But watch out for the audio jacks - if the frame is stuck a bit then they are the problem!

3. At the height of the top drive you'll see screws on either side. Those two have to be removed as well.

4. Looking at the front you have to push the plastic panel in direction of its feet (something around 5mm) and then pull it forward.


Those who want to remove/change the I/O panel will have to do the first two steps and then remove four screws (i only had three in place but there are four holes ;)) which hold the I/O in place. Then simply pull it forward.


For modders

The I/O panel is modular and everything is easily removed. If you want a different color for the LED then you can simply replace the white 5mm LED. You'll just have to remove some hotglue and slide the new ones in...


Small info for our 'bearded guys'. ;)

As i thought the 'hooks' in the front were the problem with my case. Out of eight four were gone (three on the lower left side - one at the bottom right). Looks to me like the case somewhere took a hit on the lower left corner. As the packaging was completely fine i assume it happened in the factory. Once boxed something like this is almost impossible to happen during transport.

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