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Compatability - Intel D865PERL w/ CMX256A-2700LL


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I recently built a computer system for a friend. She purchased an Intel D865PERL motherboard and 2 sticks of CMX256A-2700LL memory. Installed Windows XP and the system ran quite smoothly. All of a sudden the system would no longer boot. The BIOS would not even load. I have performed many tests to see what the problem was including removing the memory modules and booting to see if I got a trouble code. I in fact did get a trouble code. When I spoke with Intel, they said that they did not see Corsair Memory on their compatability list. Could someone please help me with this? Is the CMX256A-2700LL memory module compatible with an Intel D865PERL motherboard? If not, which memory module would be most recommended? Here is a link to the motherboard: [url]http://www.intel.com/design/motherbd/rl/index.htm?iid=ipp_browse+motherbd_d865perl&[/url] Thanks!
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  • Corsair Employee
These modules should not be a problem, I would suggest that you reset the bios by the clear C-Mos jumper with just one modules at a time and then test them with [url]www.memtest86.com[/url] and let's make sure one is not fialing.
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Okay, the board has already been shipped back to Intel as of this morning. They will be sending a replacement board to me as soon as they receive the return board. I had already tried the clear CMOS jumper prior to contacting Intel with no results. :sigh!: Hopefully we won't have a problem with the new board. What happened was I built the system back in Oct, 2003. Well, a few weeks later, my friend was saying that the system would not boot at all. I removed the memory, booted and recvd the trouble beeps. I ran through every test imaginable with no positive results. I even replaced the memory with another brand of memory from another computer and got the same results. This ruled out a memory problem. I knew it wasn't going to be the memory in the first place.. Anyway, I will let you know what happens once I receive the new board. Thanks for your help!! :D:
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  • 2 weeks later...
Alright, here's the deal. I received the new motherboard from Intel yesterday and was able to get everything put back together today. I went to boot the system up and I had the same results as before. I removed one stick of memory and tried to boot the system. It began to boot. I powered the system off and removed the one stick and replaced it with the one I had previously removed. System would not boot. I have a bad stick of memory. I need to get it replaced. How do I go about doing so? I bought the memory from a retailer who does not accept returns or exchanges after 30 days. Can I return the memory to you guys and have another stick shipped to me?? Thanks for all your help Steve
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