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Corsair Link Creates Microstutters


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So, long story short, have a new machine built: i7-4770k with new gigabyte motherboard and all. I can't remember all of the specs off the top of my head as I'm currently at work.


I managed to do the unthinkable and instead of reinstalling my OS after switching out motherboard and processor, I just powered everything on and it worked fine. Installed all drivers, etc. Installed a H80i cooler and corsair link and noticed after a few days the machine would start to have audio stuttering issues that were rather short, far and few between, too. I also noticed that when the stuttering would occur, it would also pause all frame updates to the display.


I ended up reinstalling my OS because of this and found it continued. Thinking I might have hardware problems, I went through everything one by one until I found that force closing the Corsair Link program seems to solve this issue completely.


I restarted it, waited a few days, sure enough, the stutters were back. I've been able to replicate this problem on two different machines while using Win 7 X64 just by letting the program idle.




Found that Corsair Link running for a few days up to a week will start to cause system impacting performance stuttering issues.




Would anyone know of any replacement pieces of software that would allow the management of the system cooling like Link does? After browsing the forums here, it seems to be a badly manufactured script kit of another company's creation. That it takes a while for any changes on the GUI of its open form to propagate is indicative of a problematic within its core.

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I noticed the microstutters myself a few months ago so stopped using the CL software and everything was fine.

Past couple of weeks I've been running the latest beta of the CL2 software and no microstutters.

My understanding is it's the sierra2 service that causes it, and the latest betas don't use sierra2

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