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HX1050W makes annyoing noise...


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Ive not changed with another outlet yet, but it makes a diffrent noise while gaming. A deeper much more clear noise. This noise have also started to come while not gaming aswell.


I can be the outlet? It really draws some power so sometimes it even shuts the power for my room down completly :P

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Ive tryed to use another outlet, but the noise is still there.

The noise is very high toned, but gets deeper when playing games or other CPU demanding software. It easly obscures the chassie fans.


EDIT: The room is 13 ampere

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  • Corsair Employee
I dont know:P How do I check? Also, its mounted from a extension into the outlet in the wall which aint grounded.

For our PSU to work properly they have to use a Grounded outlet. And using an outlet that is not grounded can cause the "Coil Wine" that you hear along with many other anomalies.

And I would look at the circuit breaker for your room that should be marked if they are 10 or 20 amps. if that outlet is shared with another outlet or the lights in your room it should be at least 20 Amps 10 Amps for the PSU by it self.

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For our PSU to work properly they have to use a Grounded outlet. And using an outlet that is not grounded can cause the "Coil Wine" that you hear along with many other anomalies.

And I would look at the circuit breaker for your room that should be marked if they are 10 or 20 amps. if that out is shared with another outlet or the lights in your room it should be at least 20 Amps 10 Amps for the PSU by it self.


Im using a extender from the wall outlet which is grounded. Is that good enough?


I cant see anywhere in the house where it says 10 or 20 amps. Only 13amp for my room, and the bath.

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