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1st Corsair Obsidian 800d


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I'd ben looking for a full tower case for my new Core i7 build. I'd narrowed my choices to the HAF-932 Advanced, the HAF-X and the Silverstone RV02-EW. I walked into a local Compusa with my mind made up. It was to be the HAF-932 Advanced. It was big, black interior and had enough fans to achieve vertical take off. I turned down the Case isle and stopped short. Sitting there was the Corsair Obsidian 800D. OMFG it was love at first sight. I lingered there for about an half hour, briefly looked at the case I'd come to get and walked out of the store empty handed but on a mission. I had to have this case.

That was 2 months ago since then I've read every review, trolled every hardware related forum and compared the Corsair 800D to every full size case on the market only to come to the same conclusion: I had to have this case. The only hurdle was the price tag. It was $100.00 over my budget. One weekend night I'm on a search marathon into the wee hours of the morning on Craigslist searching for cases like Neo searching for Morpheus. Corsair, LIAN LI , Coolermaster, Windy and typed in NZXT. There were 3 listing under NZXT and one was a Corsair 800D. The listing was really old almost a month and the guy lived 60 miles away and there was no price listed but I shot him a email anyway. 3 days go by and nothing, I'd just about given up when I get an email alert on my 4G Evo. Not only did he still have it but he was only asking $140.00. I drive the hour over to meet him at a 7-11 and sure enough it was the real deal. The case was mint with 3 small discrepancies. The latch on the front door was broken/missing, the rear case fan was missing from where he'd installed a Corsair H50 and the expansion slot covers were missing. Neither was a deal breaker.

I've looked on Corsair's webpage for accessories but can't find these parts. Can someone post a link to where I might be able to purchase these parts or recommend a good or better replacement 140mm case fan. I found some black vent slots made by Silverstone that will probably work.


Thanks guys, this case is unbelievably Awesome

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