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So what MMO does the M90 work with?


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Im on my second M90 (first mouse was faulty) and so far i haven't seen it work on any MMO. I'm seeing allot of posts about re flashing the mouse and people saying they got it to work and then others saying they can't.


So far all i can see is that i paid £60 for a mouse that does the same job as my £15 eBay mouse. And my eBay mouse came with a CD with the drivers, a manual that gave clear instructions and worked without having to flash it.


I play SW:TOR and Rift and was wondering if any 1 got any of the macro keys working (Forward & Backward don't count). If so could they share or create a guide on how you was able to macro the keys please.

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  • Corsair Employee

Here is your user manual:




Here is the software:




Macros work in those games. SWTOR does not support the use of Macros and require the macros to be played from the hardware. Please review the user guide.

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