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  1. Additional, Firmware v1.11.39 was the bad firmware around December from what I can tell. It was pulled so no one should be running that version anymore I hope.
  2. So somehow the forum algorithm suggested this post from January which was followed by actual Corsair employee replies. From what I can tell I am just as guilty as several pages of us by not reading the PAGES worth to find this has all been talked about before months ago with Corsair. I am going to go enjoy a big slice of humble pie now. Nick or whoever is still watching please enjoy a good chuckle at my expense, you earned it 😉
  3. So update to keep the thread alive until I feel the issue has been addressed (IE Corsair replies in some way). As mentioned above I now have two of these keyboards. TBH I bought the second one 25% off thinking it was NIB only to find it was a refurb but that turned over more interesting firmware discoveries. my original NIB has firmware v.1.9.26 which shows upgradable to v.1.13.53. However my Refurb came first with a new sticker on the bottom with a clearly Refurb issued part number ending in /RF, presumably to thwart any attempts to exercise a warranty. The more interesting fact was it is running firmware v.0.32.262 which does NOT show an update available. Refurbs are being sent out with an earlier firmware then NIB? Or has someone along the way decided to throw everyone off by using non-standard version numbers and v.0.32.262 is actually later then v.1.9.26? Which is the case Corsair and why can my Refurb not be upgraded to v.1.13.53? Is v.0.32.262 better? Maybe has the hidden macro shortcut disabled finally? I'll comply by putting this all in a ticket so someone in service can formally reply, which I will of course post here with a full timeline for everyone to follow along 😉
  4. If you read this post please read my trouble shooting steps above, you might be able to save yourself a headache. There are several threads about the ghost typing/lock up issues with the K100, fear not you have not been hacked. My exp is it's all around the macro keys, however I never updated my firmware for the fear of the very thing others are complaining about. There's a bad firmware version out there too. Good news is it has been pulled so good chance you won't run into that unless you have a keyboard that was firmware updated somewhere around December before they pulled the bad firmware. Bad news is they have not released a new fixed firmware from what I can tell YET. The software still errors out saying firmware update failed because they blocked that function to stop anyone from downloading the bad one. I like the keyboard and once I learned how to manage the macro keys recording function accidently getting triggered, I haven't had any issues since. Seeing several threads of frustrated customers makes it clear the biggest problem is Corsair not addressing the issue publicly in a way that keeps people from having to dig in these forums. They could save a lot of hassle by moderating their forums better but we all know the bean counters won't budget for that so here you are. Best of luck 😉
  5. Can you confirm that you have your macros zero'd out? Open a notepad when you have control of your keyboard and check macros 1-6 and see if there is anything recorded other than 1-6 (default), G6 is my most common culprit. If so zero out the macro (if not intentional use of course). I think there is a shortcut in the keyboard that turns on macro recording separate from the wheel button. Trying to confirm, anyone? Corsair?
  6. Have you tried my trick above and confirmed if you had any macros recorded, needing clearing? I am trying to get someone, anyone, to confirm the macro check did NOT solve the issue. I have purchased a second K100 refurbished and am presently going to attempt checking the firmware version against my NIB one with no firmware updates. I am typing this on the refurb right now with no issues. Next I'm installing the software on a test machine to compare it against my primary rig which I do NOT have either software or any firmware updates on. I'm going to start my own K100 thread in an attempt to lure those with the issue as it appears several threads has efforts spread out. Anyone know how to send messages directly to anyone? I'm, noticing several users not making it to this last page before posting.
  7. Something to try that is so far working for me. First reset so it stops typing. I've found several minutes worth of use recorded under a macro key before so resetting is really the only sure fire way to stop the macro that I know of. Next open a notepad and check all 6 of your macro keys, if you don't use them they should be set to simply 1-6. If any of them start typing in the notepad other then just the corresponding number (or a macro you actually use) that key has a macro on it which can include minutes of nothing making you think the keyboard just isn't responding. Might have to reset again at this point depending how long it is. Next set the wheel in Macro mode and record that key back to a default number. The number just helps me know it's blank/cleared really. Looks like this. Press middle wheel button to red (Macro Mode), while red hold middle wheel button down until a small flashing M lights up on the left side of the center display at the top of the keyboard. Once the M is flashing it's ready to record a macro. Press the offending G key that needs to be cleared, the number associated, then that same G key again and the lit up M will turn off indicating it is done. I have found various ramblings recorded, I'm not sure what always is triggering macro mode to start recording my use to a key but I have cats so I'm blaming them for now as I know I'm not using that wheel button.
  8. Apparently the forums won't allow me to edit my own post so additional post to give credit where due. Super shout out thanks to spergcannon for mentioning the macro recording as a potential source back on December 10th, 2022. Until further notice I'm agreeing that was the issue all along. Further posts will come if I have further issues. In the mean time, watch closely for the M lit up on the keyboard middle dash lights (labeled F in the manual) if it is it's recording your keystrokes people 😉
  9. Confirmed macro button issue is one cause. In my case I am running the keyboard straight out of the box with zero firmware updates or software. Worked flawless for 4 days until my first runaway incident, cause by an over affectionate feline activating the macro record function. The keyboard then recorded 15 minutes of me playing Destiny2 and stashed it on the G6 macro key. Now every time the G6 key is hit or worse just because it feels like it, the keyboard will start mashing WASD and other related strokes furiously. This lasts as long as it takes me to unplug the keyboard (only way to stop it I've found thus far). Side note, Corsair learn from this and put a power switch ON THE KEYBOARD, crawling under the desk to unplug to power cycle/ESC reset SUCKS. Fix was to simply find the offending marco and record over it. I'll edit this post shortly to give credit to the first chap to bring up the macro recording as the problem, so far he seems spot on. From what I can tell support has been fiddling with the firmware which has made the issue WORSE. If you have updated the firmware and are within your return window I highly suggest returning. Presently they are now chasing their tails with firmware issues. Corsair I say this with the utmost respect because I have been using your RAM and Power Supplies exclusively in my builds for over a decade. If this needs a recall best to bite the bullet than trash your otherwise stellar reputation by abusing end users as your testers until you get a grasp on this bleeding edge tech.
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