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  1. Purchased my headset in June of 2021, absolutely loved them. Was getting close to a day and a half of wireless usage. Earlier this year something seemed to kill the drain rate on the battery. It went from a day and a half to 5 or 6 hours. I read that some other folks were having the same issue and they were suggested that it was an ICue update. The suggestion was to uninstall ICue until a fix was implemented(not officially suggested by Corsair). So I uninstalled the software. Battery life stayed at around 5 or 6 hours. About a week ago I decided to redownload ICue to see if there were any new firmware updates. Since then when I have the plug in, it doesn't charge to more then 72%. And now, it doesn't appear to charge at all, when I unplug the charge cable, the headset immediately dies. I bought these headphones because I like Corsair products and wanted a really good wireless headset, which they were. Now I'm left with a permanent plug headset. Guess I'll start looking at Steel Series or HyperX to replace these with. Oh and yes I have tried the reset option several times over the past 6 months. Hasn't done anything to help.
  2. I too am having the same problem with the same headset. 6 months ago I could leave the headset uncharged for up to 2 days. Now I have to leave it plugged in to charge permanently. After resetting it like you stated, the headset doesn't charge it seems. As soon as I unplug them to try to see if the reset works, they immediately shut off. I am going to not use them and let them charge all day and see if it is corrected, but I am not hopeful. This seems to have started when whatever firmware build came out earlier this year.
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