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  1. Hello guys. Recently I noticed in my Corsair Nexus, the GPU stats are flat and stuck with same numbers (with 48C of temp is fake). I checked in the iCue dashboard and I see 2xGPU one with the fake and flat numbers. and the other with the real one! iCue is update, and Wind11, and drivers... are ALL update. Any idea on why this happens and how to fix this?
  2. Tried to not use anything in the LCD... Didn't work. Nvidia it's in normal power usage, (No Performance)...Still the same. ...for other hand... Using the REPAIR from Corsair, so far the error didn't repeat. If change, I'll post here to update.
  3. Not only that.... it also keep the Core Frequency high (not maximum) and the power (W) also higher than usual.
  4. no. Murals is not on. Just my normal light and profiles that I always used, 😜
  5. The down side with the splitter, it's: You can't control the RGB individually in one of the fans. The system will copy everything you do in one to the other (Colors, patterns, etc)
  6. Hello guys! With the new update for icue, I noticed that my PC is consuming way more energy when in Idle state, than before. Before the update it was 140W...now after update it is 240W. I track down this difference to the GPU, before in Idle was 20w and now it is 113W.... In the Task manager I can see the QmlRenderer.exe using the GPU, and before was never there. If I restart the PC sometimes it stop and go back to normal IDLE as before. I'm using Win11 with the latest update and all driver up to date. It could be the new Mosaic BETA feature?
  7. I was really happy with this Update, had big hopes... I did the update and my equalizer still not showing difference in my Audio (all mods in the Win11 Audio Settings are OFF). Tried to use the modify to repair the installation and still not working... what should I do next??
  8. Thanks for your time @c-attack .... After 2 restar in my PC looks like the iCue healed himself hahahaha Now it's good with only one GPU (Still weird that my GPU is a Gigabyte and show as Asus hahahahaha)
  9. I know that.... I was just giving my previous exp. That before, I had this issue and that was the cause hehehehe.. But now with the 22h2 clean install it's happening, and I never used those windows options.
  10. Same problem here.... I'll try what @Taomyn suggest. I hope it works!
  11. Hello @Corsair Nick I don't know if help.... but before the 22H2 (I was not Insider) and I had the same issue of Equalizer not changing anything in the Audio, I did one reset in the Win Audio settings like Enhancement and virtual sound... put all to off and my VOID start to work again. It was working even on the update 22H2.... but now, after few weeks, not working anymore.
  12. Other thing I forgot to put here.... Very randomly, my Dashboard area gets wipeout, I need to SHOW ALL again and adjust.... but maybe, next time I open or turn PC on, it will be clean again. Any ideas?
  13. Hello guys! I noticed my iCue (in the Dashboard and in the Widgets system) It's showing to me 2 gpus (same ones). I have a Gigabyte 3090Ti (I don't know why, my iCue recognize as ASUS, even my card doesn't have any RGB, at least looks like don't have hahaha AND IT'S NOT A ASUS) you can see in the picture. And in the Dashboard, it shows the same GPU twice, one with sensors working normally, and the other one, there is no readings and temps are a fixed random number. Question, there is a way to REMOVE that card from my main icue screen? and Also REMOVE the double Dashboard reading? Thanks guys!
  14. I'm kind of sure I tried that option before (but I don't trust myself hahahahah Tried NOW and looks like it's working. I'll do more test for longer usage see if persist with this correction 😄 THANKS!! I'll post updates here. PS: Looks like it really worked this time! Thanks again 😉
  15. I'm kind of sure I tried that option before (but I don't trust myself hahahahah Tried NOW and looks like it's working. I'll do more test for longer usage see if persist with this correction 😄 THANKS!! I'll post updates here.
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