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Everything posted by nsaine

  1. Okay thanks and O my.. IDK how I missed it, but if you see that link for the CS750 PSU, it does indeed say its type 4 cabling.... am I 100% in the clear at this point to use every single cable with my hx100i? This would really make this swap easy and no stress. https://www.corsair.com/zh/en/Categories/Products/Power-Supply-Units/CS-Series™/p/CP-9020239-CN?_gl=1*nu27ut*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE2Nzg2ODk2MzguQ2owS0NRaUFqYmFnQmhEM0FSSXNBTlJycUV0UXhZOERKQnlvLW9jZ21MY0NLcWg4WGlrSkYwdGFkcktwN0JmeEFZOWpWNFlRaC15WTFHZ2FBanNNRUFMd193Y0I.&_ga=2.113218253.811050250.1678617229-401406842.1677998945&_gac=1.158293320.1678689648.Cj0KCQiAjbagBhD3ARIsANRrqEtQxY8DJByo-ocgmLcCKqh8XikJF0tadrKp7BfxAY9jV4YQh-yY1GgaAjsMEALw_wcB#tab-tech-specs
  2. Yeah not finding much about the CS750 either, It's definitely different than the CSM, weird... So you think I should just go ahead and replace all cables? I know you said only the Mobo had to be replaced but you were looking at a CSM right? Also, not just the PCI extenders but any extenders or cables connected to the end of a power supply cable wouldnt need to be replaced right? Just want to be crystal clear that whenever swapping out PSUs and lets say they are completely different only the cables that actually plug in to PSU side need to match. thanks for all your help also here is the link for it https://www.corsair.com/zh/en/Categories/Products/Power-Supply-Units/CS-Series™/p/CP-9020239-CN cant find much about the cabling
  3. Yeah the cables are fine it is two separate PCie cables coming and going into a double extender.
  4. Yeah idk it is a corsair pre-built PC. I have a 3080Ti in it currently. But I'm getting ready for a 4090 at some point so I'm upgrading the PSU. The build quality is good so I'm sure the cables are fine. However, I do not think the cs750 they put in their uses type 4 cables, the new hx1000i uses type 4. Also, I need to know if absolutely all cables and extenders would need to be replaced or is it just the cables that specifically plug into the power supply that matter when swapping different PSUs.
  5. I'd say I'm decently knowledgeable when it comes to PCs. A lot I know how to do, I can swap pretty much any standard part and troubleshoot. However, I'm confused when it comes to swapping out my old PSU for a new one. Currently I have a Corsair CS750. I'm switching to a Corsair Hx1000i (black label) I read that I have to replace the cables as well (wasn't expecting that) My question is, do I also have to replace any extenders that are currently connected to the ends of the power supply cables as well? For example, my graphics card has a splitter that then is attached to a power supply cable. Or do the only cables that need to be replaced are the only ones that directly connect into the PSU? Thankyou, hope yall understood my question and hope it's not a stupid one 🙂
  6. Very weird issue Have a Vengeance i7200, updated the bios to the latest version "2CB" after update, I can no longer enter bios with the DEL key like before, everything else seems to be fine
  7. same issue as well bought a vengeance i7200 PC with a 3080ti FE Icue not supporting the 3080ti FE have seen videos where a regular 3080 is supported in Icue
  8. I've seen corsair PC's with a regular 3080 and the rgb lights on it able to be customized in icue. How come my 3080ti will not show up in Icue? It's essentially the exact same card. Am I doing something wrong?
  9. So I've been reading that we can only update bios and chipsets through corsair only. I go on the downloads and find my pc on corsair and it lists 2 separate downloads for everything. One regular bios and one "11th gen" bios. Both are the same version number with no way to tell which the PC came installed with. Why are there 2 different versions for all the firmware and which one did the PC come with? Do I need to reinstall everything to "11th gen"?
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