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About xarumitzu

  • Birthday 12/16/1988
  1. I don't think it's always said "mic feedback off, mic off" when I press the mute button on my actual headset though. I think that's changed in the last couple of weeks somehow. I know my headset used to only say "mic off" if I muted the mic. It's kind of redundant for it to say both. I can understand the "mic feedback off" prompt if you turn it off in iCUE, but it's obviously going to be off if you turn the mic off.
  2. I have this issue too. I was going nuts trying to figure out if I did something in Windows to cause the headset to prompt "mic feedback off, mic off" when I press the mute button. I'll go ahead and disable the voice prompts for now, but I'd really appreciate the removal of the "mic feedback off" prompt when you hit the mute button on the headset.
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