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About atreidesend

  • Birthday 09/24/1990

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  1. hey folks, just wanted to say a big thanks to this community and @zotty for all the tips, it's been a long journey but finally finished my build this past weekend I will assemble a full build log at some point in the coming weeks/months, but for now, figured @zotty might like to see a tl;dr Finished product: the salvation of custom wiring: oh and cat tax, cause i've created an upward exhausting space heater, so why not:
  2. Either splitters or don't connect them both. My board has 2 usb3 headers but just 1 usb c header, so I'm going: usbc header -> front usb-c 1 usb 3 header 1 -> usb3-usb-c adapter -> front usb-c 2 usb 3 header 2 -> front usb 3 1 usb 2 header -> usb-2-usb-3 adapter -> front usb 3 2 so some of the front ports won't be at full speed but they'll at least all be functional, which I'm prioritizing over having some that don't work at all (cause i'll probably forget a few years down the line)
  3. sanity check... mobo is plugged in? I know it's silly but absolutely no response PSU usually means earliest signals not working... but if that's not it... I'd try to get back to as close to the setup you already knew worked as possible (as far as core components go, cut all rgb, all pwm, etc...)
  4. In other news, my build is progressing... but quite slowly Acrylic panels cut to make the former hard drive cage area look nicer: Respump and pump-2 mounted: And I had talked about making custom cables - first fan harness well underway
  5. based on a quick check, the rm1000x should be able to do 25a on 5v which should handle the rgb... so it's not obviously lack of power but I'm also surprised that a primarily cooling/accessory change would lead to a lack of POST I'd say start disconnecting non-essentials until things start turning on
  6. Right, okay, so that's the lighting node pro (LNP). Makes more sense now So your CP2 is really only having one of its lighting channel's filled, and then you're using its usb to spin off an LNP which will have 2 channel's filled. Note that the LNP doesn't need to plug into a Commander lighting port, it communicates the lighting channel data over USB and shows up separately in ICUE So yeah, you should be good and will potentially have an extra channel available for whatever comes up next
  7. Yup, that would work. There are lots of powered pwm repeaters out there. I'm using the Splitty 9 so that I can get away with just 3 of them Your plan for Commander1 looks solid. I'm a little confused on commander 2 - are all the fans mentioned there actually going to be controlled by lighting node core's (the ones with usb plugs)? Because the 2 rgb ports in commander2 are already occupied so I'm not sure where your top fans are going for rgb otherwise
  8. While this is probably a technically possible way to get all of the fans to just _have light_, it's not going to be ideal if you want to sync any non-static effects in a meaningful way If I'm understanding your plan correctly, what you'll wind up in ICUE with is a channel with 6 fans, let's say you have fans like: [1][5] [11][12][13] [2][6] [14][15][16] [3][7] [4][8] Now you plug fans 1-6 into one RGB hub A and 7,8 and 11-13 into a second RGB hub B Then you take a hub merge cable and merge hub A and B and then take that into CoPro Lighting Channel 1 What you're going to see in ICUE is 1 channel with 6 fans, and you'll have mirroring such that the lights of the below fans are the same: Fan 1 == 7 Fan 2 == 8 Fan 3 == 11 Fan 4 == 12 Fan 5 == 13 Fan 6 has no mirror (this is fine) Now obviously you can adjust which fans plug in where to adjust the mirroring, but hopefully the above illustrates how the hubs translate into lighting channels and subsequently into controllable effects. That's why you see in Zotty's diagram he's working with fans largely in banks of 4. Basically whenever you merge lighting hubs you're effectively mirroring each slot on the hub and so you have to take that into account when planning your lighting effects. Fan 1 on each hub of a merged pair should be fans that you want to have the same llighting effect. So to summarize, the tl;dr is no to this ^. They will all have light but ICUE won't think it's controlling 11 fans' lights Other than that, your plan looks decent. I like that you've kept the CoPro's current draw spread out, putting the pwm fans on CoPro's that aren't providing any actual led power Most pump PWM is just pwm signal and so contributes basically no power draw, so this could run from any of the pwm slots on your commander 3 (which I think if I read your plan correctly, are still free)
  9. Yeah I tried to do tons of planning and while it helped there was definitely a lot to be learned simply by trying to route and reroute the cables over and over to see what works
  10. keep in mind that each 'hub' or 'LNC' effectively creates a channel of fans that can be controlled and synced in ICUE so while you can control 6 fans at a time on one LNC, you probably wouldn't want to have 6 of the front fans on one channel and 2 on another, effects wouldn't necessarily sync nicely between them if you're only ever using static colors then you can ignore that
  11. yeah if you've got all those that would also work, just remember that each commander needs to plug into a usb header as well, so each commander is only a net +1 to the total # of internal headers as far as running the fans off of the commander, depending on the speed you want to spin them at I would possibly look at a powered pwm splitter and then run that into the commander so that it's not actually having to drive fan amperage (max amps going out of the entire commander should be <4.5a or so due to its sata power input) ---- what's your thinking with the 6LNC's + 4 RGB hubs? the 4 RGB hubs could cover the front bank of 16 fans and so then you'd only need at most 2 LNC's for the top and back fans
  12. also note if you're using the LNCores you don't need any rgb slots in the commander, as they communicate their rgb data to the system via USB (so you will need usb headers for each, so likely need to stock up on internal header splitters)
  13. I'm assuming when you say 12 splitters you mean fan pwm splitters, and not rgb splitters, right? I'm going to look into sleeving strategies when I do my custom sleeving, but currently leaning towards single sleeve per 'cable' (each cable being a bundle of 4 wires) In general though, I think the biggest thing to aim for is to reduce the total area of cabling swimming around, and so doing things like merging down into less wires (or less sleeving) is probably advantageous - the challenge is just doing so in a way where the connectors themselves (and also any 'bundling' of cable necessary due to different lengths) don't add too much bulk For example, at one point I tried bundling into 4 groups of cables for the front of the case, front 8 pwm, front 8 rgb, back 8 pwm, back 8 rgb, and wrapped each of those 4 groups in some larger cable sleeving (the kind used for organizing cables behind your desk) and in that case the added bulk of having 4 separate groups and the associated sleeving actually meant that I couldn't fit all 4 nicely through that front bottom cable grommet... Overall it took me a lot of iterations to find a couple strategies that work... and I didn't love any of them, which now has me going down the train of making my own extenders so I can cut everything exactly to length (but when I do that I may look into sleeving sets of wire together if I can find a way to do it that isn't gross looking...)
  14. I've just gone through basically all of that this past week/weekend so happy to help as well if you're going the route of buying the extensions, then piratedog is the store you're looking for, he has a shopify store and sells through ebay as well
  15. Also, if by this you mean mounting the nodes on the backs of the radiators that will be impossible for either set With two radiators across in either front or top position there really isn't much space in the back, you can just about barely run cables across that divide at a pinch, but even there you're better off dropping them to the floor
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