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About Nin1959

  • Birthday 01/01/1959
  1. Hey nks, thanks for checking I guess my hunch was spot on. I also were about to open them up but I thought "they're only 10days old...", so I just went straight for a refund. Kinda sad because the looks are stunning.
  2. I just signed up to tell you my experience. My kit is from a German retailer, same problem as the rest of you, I suddenly realised that one led was acting strange, tested the RGB and noticed that the red colour was dark. Double checked it with the pre determined colors and.. yes it was red, almost dark so white looked green and the same with orange. i didn't know what to do so I just pressed slightly onto the cap of the led and it fixed the problem for me at least for now, touching he cap again changes the color nonetheless, is there a problem with the attachment of the LEDs ? Edit: Could one of you check this with your ram? My kit is a 2x8 3600 c18
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