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Posts posted by pie_masters

  1. So I've got the full set of replacement fans, cores and commander pros. I've set them all up and everything works fine. :cool:


    I tried connected several of the old fans into a new lightning node core and its stuck on the single blue light that it always has been. As I think it's unlikely that all 10 fans arrived damaged, I think it's more likely that the 2 cores I originally used were faulty and somehow damaged all the fans connected to them. Because of this I'm not going to risk connecting one of the working fans to one of the old cores.


    So I think the only way to fix it is to replace the fans. I would also replace the core, it might be fine but is more likely the cause of the damaged fans.


    I'm going to go back to Corsair support and let them know.

  2. So over the last couple of days I built a new PC out of replaced parts and I installed a clean version of windows 10. I tested a few fans with a couple of the cores and I had exactly the same issues.


    I think at this point maybe I've been super unlucky and all the cores are dead. I'm still within the 30 day return period with amazon so I'm going to replace them and see if I have any luck.

  3. So sadly no change through the entire process. My mouse and ram kept their profiles until iCUE was reinstalled and they changed to rainbow wave.


    The only change to the fans was the rpm lowering when ICUE booted up. I've tried connecting a few different fans and they're all the same, although some have a second green led light up :[pouts:


    I've attached the logs generated now after reinstalling iCUE



  4. Thanks c-attack, I really appreciate the help/suggestions. I agree it feels like a core issue failing to apply the settings to the fans. The fans spin and 1/2 leds light up so it seems unlikely there's issues with them. I'd just be surprised if I have 3/3 broken cores, so again I agree it's more likely software related. I've seen a few people have compatibility issues with asus motherboards, but I'm using a gigabyte board (x570 aorus master).


    I've disconnected all my fans from the lighting node cores, disconnected a core so I now have 1 and have connected a single fan to it to simplify testing.


    I'm in the process of uninstalling iCUE and will delete the Corsair directory in appdata afterwards (as I'm not using any other corsair software). I'll let you know what happens to the fans after restarting and after reinstalling iCUE. Fingers crossed!


    I did an export of the logs a few days ago, I did spot this:

    2020-09-08T17:01:18 W libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    2020-09-08T17:01:19 C cue.server.device: Unknown device type: 0
    2020-09-08T17:01:19 C cue.server.device: Unknown device type: 10
    2020-09-08T17:01:19 C cue.server.device: Unknown device type: 11
    2020-09-08T17:01:19 C cue.server.device: Unknown device type: 12
    2020-09-08T17:01:19 C cue.server.device: Unknown device type: 13
    2020-09-08T17:01:19 C cue.server.device: Unknown device type: 14
    2020-09-08T17:01:19 I cue.lightings.direct_player: Stopped lighting worker in 0x57e0


    If this doesn't work I'm happy to share whatever logs might help.

  5. I received this from Corsair support.


    This issue is often caused by 1 or more fans having faulty LED. A fan with faulty LED tends to cause everything further down the chain to also experience issues.


    Try hooking up each QL fan to slot 1 on the LED hub. If this doesn't cause any unusual behavior, leave one fan on slot 1 and test the remaining fans on slot 2.


    Repeat on further slots until you run out of fans, but always make sure to fill up the slots in order (starting from 1) as they are wired in series. This will help determine which of the fans is faulty.


    I've tried reordering fans before with no luck, but I'm going to disconnect all of them and do one at a time and see if I have any luck.

  6. Is this a very strange software glitch?


    From BNewt's post theirs worked for a while before turning blue so possibly. Mine have always been like that from initial power on after first installing them before booting into windows.


    Because of that I don't think it's a software issue. I'm not sure if the fans have drivers? Updating the hub firmware in iCUE hasn't seemed to help.

  7. Good idea, I had a commander pro on the same ribbon as a SSD, a HDD and my cooler so that easily could have been the issue.


    Sadly I just moved both commander pros and lighting node cores onto a separate ribbon and no difference :(


    I'm wondering if it's something to do with the internal USB headers/cables. That's what's used to control the RGB via iCUE right? I've bought the NZXT internal USB hub and a male to male internal/external usb cable so going to do some testing later today.


    With these being my first RGB fans and having 20 fan cables, 4 hubs and 8 cables coming from those there's a lot of places thing can go wrong. I can see why the new Lian Li uni fans have been so popular, I'd only need 4 fan cables and 1 hub with 3 cables running from it. Hopefully it's something Corsair can replicate!

  8. Damn, it's been a few months I had hoped Corsair would have managed to help you resolve it. I've created a ticket with them so will post any updates. If I don't get anywhere in a couple of weeks I'm just going to return them all while I can and find an alternative.


    I've got 10 QL 120s connected via 2 Commander Pros and 2 Lighting Node Cores. All my fans have always just been blue.


    I've tried swapping in a 3rd Lighting Node Core, switching fan positions and repairing iCUE. I haven't updated the firmware as everything was already on the latest.

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