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About ghostlight

  • Birthday 06/03/1978
  1. I had to go through shenanigans this last week due to troubleshooting Riot Vanguard. I updated all of my software. I was using the old Corsair RGB application (I don't remember what it was called before iCue) but that worked perfectly. Now that I've switched to iCue, my 6 RGB fans no longer sync. This was the reason why I uninstalled this software when it initially came out and went back to the old one. Specifically, I'm running 6 fans with Color Wave under Lighting Link. They used to sync up with the old app. Now only certain options do like Spiral Rainbow. Every other fan alternates where as before they used to all do the same thing. Is this by design? Is there a way to get them all do the same two color cycle at once?
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