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Everything posted by Bosk

  1. In the FAQ for the VOID (and perhaps other) headsets there is a comment about how to force a firmware update to fix the bootloader problem. If that works for you (read other posts and replies for instructions) do not read the rest of this post. However, for those of you who, like us, could not get the Firmware update process to work, perhaps this will help. -- Disconnect the battery -- Only for a moment or two. Note, this is not something you should do if the headset is still under warranty, as it will likely void that. There are instructional videos on YouTube that show you the process. With the correct tools it only takes a few minutes. You also do not have to remove the battery completely, simply disassemble the headset far enough to remove the battery cable. Leave it undone for a few minutes (probably 10 seconds is enough, but why be stingy?) then reattach the battery and reassemble the headset. If you are careful, your headset will be as good as new in no time. My friend and I spent several hours yesterday trying to recover from the bootloader problem (VOID could not be accessed under Windows 10 because of an USB error). I tried every step mentioned in the forums with the exception of reinstalling windows 10, and then my friend (an actual IT technician) went through all the same steps (and a few more) again, with no effect. Finally, we agreed that disconnecting the battery was likely the best next step and sure enough that was enough. (Kind of wish we had started there, but whatever.) Now the VOID is working awesomely again. AND I know not to touch any of the buttons when plugging it in to charge ... yeah, I wish someone had mentioned that to me BEFORE I happened to do it. I certainly did not intend to plug in the charger AND press the mute/power button .. it was totally accidental. Cheers!
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