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Everything posted by Huypho

  1. wait, so youre getting the same temps as me on the cpu?
  2. I get that it’s a hot CPU but again, I was able to have very decent temperatures with the h150i, so i know it’s capable of running fine without delidding. Right now I’m guessing one 360mm isn’t enough to cool my GPU + CPU. I’m going to try to fix up my flow, and if that doesn’t help, I may add another 360 Rad to my build
  3. I’m going to try to do correct my water flow tonight. I can’t find any information online about how much temperatures are affected by reverse flow on the XC7, probably cuz how it’s still kinda new. Ive just tried remounting the XC7 again last night, still no improvements. I also tried pressing down on the block while it’s running to see if harder contact will cause the temperatures to drop, again still no improvements. Do you think one 360 radiator is maybe not enough to run a 2080ti and 8700k together?
  4. I ran 5Ghz with 1.33 Volts, but I tried downclocking it to 4.8 GHZ with 1.3 Volts last night but I’m still getting the same temperatures when gaming. My 8700k is standard issue. I’ll do the CPU-Z thing when I get home.
  5. Oh no, i didnt take any insult to ur question, sorry if my reply seemed that way but anyway Yes i did tension it down using a crisscross pattern. is it possible i tightened it too hard? I just found out that my cpu block is in reverse flow but would it really affect temperatures that much? On the manual it says i can run it reverse for a performance drop but with my temps, it almost seems necessary to run it correctly. I dont see why corsair would even mention that i could run it reverse if that were the case. No there isnt any gunk preventing the flow Maybe my overclock is too much for this waterloop compared to the h150i?
  6. i dont see why it would dish or cup when i just bought it two days ago
  7. I just reapplied the thermal paste on my cpu, still no improvement
  8. My Idle temps are pretty good 39-45 C when just doing normal tasks. Its Just when i play games. My water temperatures would go up to 36 and my CPU would consistently be at around 70-80. I also just tried to run a benchmark and then press my finger onto the CPU block but it didnt affect temperatures at all. Maybe the preapplied thermal paste isnt full spread?
  9. My GPU temps are pretty good, doesnt go above 50 in gaming. Do you think it would be safe for me to unmount the CPU block without draining and undoing the tubing?
  10. It's Idle at around 30 C and goes up to around 36 C when gaming
  11. I've recently just put together my first custom loop and I believe I've done everything right but my CPU temps are pretty high when gaming. They would consistently stay around 70-80 C when playing any game. I have my pump set to 4000 RPM and all my fans on my 360 Rad set to max RPM but my rad would get hot to the touch. When I had an h150i, my CPU temps would never go above 60 C when gaming. Is this normal? My loop order is GPU->CPU->Rad->Pump I7 8700k OC'ed to 5 GHZ RTX 2080 Ti
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