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Posts posted by Queeg

  1. I think an AMD Ryzen CPU option would make far more sense with the CPU cooling design they chose for this version of the C1. Lower power requirements, lower temps and less noise, with comparable performance.  I know they ultimately offered earlier versions of the C1 with AMD CPUs - hope they do the same here.  

  2. I owned and liked both an i160 and i300, and I'm interested in this one.  But I'll probably wait and see if they make some revisions.  I don't understand why they went with such a puny cooling design for the CPU.  There's plenty of room in the case for a bigger radiator or fans or both.  It's like they designed the cooling for a case half the size.  That seems to be the primary cause of the noise problem all the reviewers cite.  So hoping they do something to fix that in future iterations.

    And, I'd like to see an AMD CPU option, since that would also help with the CPU temps.  Which raises another question I've had going back to the original C1s - why don't they offer more options in terms of CPU?  If I am using this primarily as a gaming rig, I don't really need the highest end CPU.  A Ryzen 7800X3D likely will do just fine for a long time to come.  And since the motherboard supports a range of CPUs, why not offer options that would make cooling easier for those who don't need the fastest CPU?

    I see that Origin is also selling these and offers some customization.  Hopefully, we'll see some more rational CPU options there in the future. 

  3. Newegg has pulled the listing.   

    I’m hoping there’s a 4090 option, otherwise it’s a no-go for me.  I already have a 2000D case with a 4090 FE, and I see no reason to go backward in performance.  And if the phantom Newegg listing is correct, the i500 will be only slightly smaller than the 2000D (and not really in the most important dimension).  

  4. 3 hours ago, Ricksmet said:

    Loaded up the new bios 3 days ago.  I have the i300 3080 edition.  Have not had any crashes doing everyday work, running several benchmarking programs (PCMark series including stress tests).  Will update if promlems develop.

    Good to know.  I have the same edition you do.  I've never had any issues so I may leave well enough alone. 

  5. I can't speak to the i400 because it's new.  But I have an i300 that I'm very happy with (and an i160 before that - also very happy).

    It looks like the i400 is essentially similar to the i300 I have.

    • GPU - RTX 3080, same in both
    • CPU - i300 has an i9-12900k; i400 has an i7-13700KF.   So the i400 has the newest Intel chip, but not the fastest version.  That's probably a good thing - it still should be plenty fast but run cooler.  I'd be happy with an i7 in my i300.
    • RAM - 32GB DDR5 in both, but i400 is a bit faster (5600MHz vs 4800MHz)
    • Storage - NVMe SSD in both, but i300 is bigger (2TB vs 1 TB)
    • Motherboard, IO, etc the same in both

    Apart from the storage, the i400 looks really good.  And much cheaper than the i300 was when I bought mine.  And I added a SATA SSD to my i300, so I suspect you can do that too - just need a SATA cable (shorter the better - it's a compact build).  

    I've really liked both my Corsair Ones.  Great design and build quality.  Fits and looks great on my desk and handles anything I throw at it.  If I were buying one today, I'd go with the i400. 

  6. think the LEDs are set to flash red in the event of excessive heat - I assume based on coolant temperature.  And I think the side flashing signifies the component (CPU or GPU) affected - so both sides flashing would mean overheating of both components.  

    But I don’t see that in your temperature readings.  I expect the i164 should run cooler than the more recent 200 and 300 series, which have components that run hotter, so I may be misinterpreting the temps in your situation. But I really don’t think so. 

    Wonder if it’s a software issue.  Have you updated iCue?

  7. You say the fan kicked in.  But iCue is showing 0 rpm.  So is the fan running or not?

    Assuming the fan is running, I assume you can rule out that the fan has failed or become disconnected. 

    It sounds like iCue has stopped controlling the fan.  I've had instances with my i300 where iCue has temporarily lost control of the fan.  In most cases, the fan stopped running at all, but I've seen a couple of instances where the fan revved up to full speed.  I've always been able to fix it pretty easily. 

    Here's what has worked for me:  

    • What fan profile are you running - Default, Extreme or Custom?  Try changing the profile - or setting a Custom profile if you haven't already (try 50%) - and see if the fan settles down.
    • Reboot your PC.  (I assume you've already tried that, but you never know - some folks go months without rebooting.)
    • Reboot iCue.  Quit iCue in the system tray and then reload it.  See if it picks up the fan again.
    • Uninstall/reinstall iCue.

    I've never had anything other than a temporary problem with the fan and rebooting either the PC or iCue or temporarily changing the fan profile has always solved it.   Good luck.

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