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Everything posted by Macropoxy

  1. I'd like to add another simple request. When choosing colors, why limit it to just two options, why not give an order list to that as well? I'd like to be able to do a red, white and blue theme... like a 3 color wave, or rain effect.
  2. Is this ever going to actually be a feature? Like others have said, just being able to re-order the device list would be a easy fix for now... I too have my PC case on the left side of my desk (recent move) so now all the link lighting is not worth having. It would be nice if you could stack the devices as well so you can just line up the components from left to right as they sit on your desk and stack components like the mouse and pad. keyboard and headphone stand if they are the same linearly, etc.
  3. Is there any chance we will actually see this stuff worked on in a timely manner. I just put a lot of effort into a total Corsair RGB setup, but missing some rather simple functionality. I had the PC on the right which I guess is how the software is hard-coded for link lighting like "type lighting" which I like. So the colors would go outward in the correct paths, keyboard, mouse/mousepad, then through all the fans in the case of the PC. (just had to hard-wire the PC fans in the right sequential order). However, I re-arranged my desk, and the PC is now on the right side to hide wiring better... Now a "visor" or "type lighting" goes from right to left on my keyboard and mouse, but then jumps over to the PC. Doesn't look near as impressive. Rather janky. I like the "type lighting" the best, but now I can't stand it out of order... so I have to either live without, or redo all the cable management on my desk... AGAIN. As much as all this costs, com'on man. It would really NOT be hard to be able to use the software to re-arrange the order of major components. It would be intuitive to leave the software, but just allow the user to drag the order of components in the home or settings menus. Right now, it is keyboard, mouse, pad, CPU cooler, Commander Pro... how did that order get dictated? Because, I think that's the order of the link lighting process.
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