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Everything posted by geekgurly

  1. Good morning, I'm new to the forum but created an account to add confirmation to what other posters report with regard to iCue. I had been using iCue for the past couple of months and it seemed ok - albeit a little more resource hungry than Link. All my Corsair devices were recognized and lighting synced without issue. However, other than that the software (especially after recent updates) has caused some minor instability in my system - especially while gaming. The monitoring portion of the software randomly loses its link to the Corsair devices for which it is responsible. As other posters have suggested, I killed the iCue software and restarted the Corsair service in an attempt to recover iCue and other system functionality but this never works for me. For instance, an annoying issue I was having was with the Corsair Void Pro Wireless headset connectivity. When the iCue software would fail I could not get the headset to power on/off correctly and sound would not be delivered correctly to it until system restart. Another example I had was I could not get the Steam client to reload properly after an iCue episode. Instead, I end up having to restart the system to recover full use of it. A few days ago, I removed the iCue app from my system and installed the most recent available version of the Corsair Link software. I can't sync the RGB across devices anymore, but my system is stable, hardware is monitored, temperatures handled, gaming and other software now function solidly. There is also not nearly as much system usage from the Link software. The iCue software is a great idea that I would LOVE to use and have working properly but in its current state is not stable and feels very heavy and clunky in a system that should be able to accommodate it without a blip. Maybe it's just trying to do too much in an AIO solution. On a positive note, the RGB sync works great in iCue. Compared to other RGB software on the market Corsair is pretty much the best at this. Unfortunately, I need stability more than control over the pretty lights and cool but otherwise not very useful features (i.e., headset equilizer function, "Alexa" like communication from the software, etc.). Less is more - just need a simple app to monitor/maintain Corsair Link items and sync Corsair RGB. I think the monitoring side panel dashboard is nice but it may be weighing on the whole for example. A simple text log is more probably more useful than this GUI. Sorry for nitpicking. I know the devs work hard on this and I hope to use iCue again in the future, but will wait for better releases for the time being. Thanks for putting up with my two cents. Have a great week. :)
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