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Everything posted by Kiggik

  1. I have fixed the issue. The USB was put into the ROG_EXT on the left, as seen on the picture, when it needed to bee on the right so it was connected to the USB 314. Thank you for helping! If anyone is experiencing the same issue, go ahead and msg me
  2. Ignore the other comment about pictures. This one is better https://imgur.com/a/bedxPIt Take a look at the last picture
  3. In iCue it says No device connected, and in CL4 in the Devices option, it doesn't show any devices. Do you want me to take a picture of the Node pro?
  4. https://imgur.com/a/mDh2efT That's some pictures of the Node
  5. Sorry for the misleading part. I only have the Node pro installed. The fans don't show in CL4 or ICUE. No i dont
  6. I just recently got my PC built, with 3 LL120 RGB's and 1 LL140. When i open ICue or CL4 The fans won't show. I have the Commander Pro and the Node installed...
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