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Posts posted by kubdotnet

  1. I did remove the setting.json file, and could not get anything images of fans or the list of modes on the left.


    So I tried it on another computer and everything came up fine. Further investigations is the machine I tried it on had no COM ports. I went back to my PC disabled all the COM ports and everything came up correctly.


    It looks like it is in the detecting COM port when the app launches that the problem occurs.


    Hope it helps! Thanks again.


    Thank you for your infos, I'll do some investigation in that direction. :biggrin:

  2. I gave the new version a try, it did not show any features. So I don't know if I missed something. The 1.0 version opens fine.


    Could be something related to the saved settings, please try to rename the file %appdata%\LedControllerEngine\settings.json (by default c:\Users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\LedControllerEngine\settings.json) into settings.json.backup and re-open the new version. I'll do some debugging asap.

  3. Good news everyone! (World of Warcraft Putricide quote)


    I managed to add support for multiple ports; every command (load settings, save settings, stage-to-live) and every effect are now sent through selected port(s) (feedbacks are welcome).


    - Port(s) selection has moved from Settings to the main window to easily switch between them

    - Added new fan's settings introduced by Charixfox for the current effects (I've not yet looked inside the firmware to catch stripe's new features :laughing:)


    Awesome! Thank you for the PC-side support!


    If you'd like to coordinate on control schemes with the Firmware, let me know. Also, if there are any questions about the new features, let me know. The "Set a setting group all at once" may be useful to you.


    the next weeks I'll be away for work, when I come back I'll try to implement the new features for the strips and the "group settings" feature; if there is something unclear I will come back to ask you :biggrin:


    Thank you for your work!


  4. kubdotnet,


    Is it possible to include for multiple comm ports? I am building with the Thermaltake Tower 900, so I will be using 4 on each side using 2 micro pro controllers. So it would be nice to either link the LED/fan modes (mirror), then send to each of 2 comm ports, or send them in sequence.


    I will actually be using 12 of these fans total 8 x 120mm (sides), and 4x140 mm (top/back).




    I'll try to take a look at this, shouldn't be too difficult.

  5. I'll have to see what I can find in VS then. I need to make sure not to get too complacent though. The Arduino IDE does lovely things like updating libraries and such, and I also need to make sure I maintain a good understanding of how the normal IDE works for when I need to direct people in its use. ... Unless I end up just packaging Arduino binaries and the loader. <.<


    I'm hoping that it will work alongside a serial port, since having backward compatibility is a good. The main complication I have in developing this though is the lack of ability to create and read USB-HID packets on the computer side. *Goes hunting for something to do that*



    Apologize, I'm a bit busy atm :laughing:.


    I quickly tried the library HIDLib (https://github.com/mikeobrien/HidLibrary) but I was unable to find the device and also by looking on Device Manager I see Arduino under Ports but I didn't find it under USB controllers: Any ideas?


    I will do some tests as soon as I have time :):

  6. @kubdotnet your software has made testing and experimentation way better. smarter, faster. Have you thought about making it a VS extension? If nothing else you could share the com port so changes to firmware don't require shutting down the LedControllerEngine to upload firmware changes. Maybe just my current workflow and wouldn't be as useful in the future.


    My goal is to have a software running in background where users can compose sequences of animations and that software let the animation switches at scheduled times/timespan/timeout.


    I made a little change that closes serial port after the commands are sent; so you can do everything you need without closing and reopening the application :):


  7. Hey, wow a lot going on here. Downloaded your app kubdotnet, looks really good (nice icon too). Haven't gotten a chance to run it on my system that has fans and lights but the interface is way cool, let me know if there's anything I can do to help. My LL120's came in this week and I hooked 3 up tonight, as kinda expected they're in serial and my last fan had no lights since the 4 new center lights of each fan took up 12 lights replacing the last fan. Seems like 16 leds/fan would require a fair amount of incompatible changes to the controller firmware, also tried to imagine how 12 fans (6 outer and 6 inner) would change things. It still wasn't pretty since there would be 6 fans with 12 lights and 6 with 4 lights. I dunno, let me know if you want to support LL120's charixfox. Yeah, I know they're lesser fans but with 6 should I even care? ;)


    Once again, good stuff here. Thanks all.


    Thank you, there is still a lot to do and my goal is very ambitious.




    kubdotnet: Is it just me or does the program crash whenever you apply settings to the fans or strips? I have tried your latest version, and the first effect I tried on the strips was just a red rgb setting. It crashed but sent the settings and worked, but after that I couldnt not get it to take any other strip setting without doing it in the arduino serial monitor.


    I do not know ... but it seems to be related to something that has nothing to do with board communications...


    I fixed some bugs and added a bit of logging; try the attached version (as always GitHub is aligned) and the next time it crashes please pm me your log file; log files are in the folder "%appdata%\LedControllerEngine\logging" (Windows 7/8/10 by default is "c:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Roaming\LedControllerEngine\logging").


    Thank you


  8. O.O Wow... This thread exploded when I wasn't paying attention and Corsair only alerts me once (which I missed).


    There are not very many LED strip modes yet and they are not the same as fan modes. Aaaaaand... they're not documented. O.O *wince* Sorries...


    Strip modes are 0 through 5, so 6 would not work. I really need to make the strip modes more robust....


    Current firmware Strip modes:

    0 = Hue Shift

    Settings: 1 = Starting Hue; 2 = Ending Hue; 3 = Hue Offset; 5 = Phase Offset; 7 = Rate in BPM


    1 = Single Color

    Setting 1 = Hue


    2 = Single Color Pulse

    Settings 1 = Hue 7 = Rate


    3 = Rainbow

    Setting 7 = Run speed


    4 = BPM

    Settings 7 = Rate 1 = Hue Multiplier 2 = Beat Multiplier


    5 = RGB Color

    Settings: 1 = R 2 = G 3 = B


    So my bad on both not making more strip thingies and also not documenting any of the strip thingies.



    Ok, I'll introduce stripes configuration in a separate way.

  9. It was giving me errors because I was trying to use it while running it in debug. I have never used Visual Studio before so the zip file worked great. So far the biggest bug I see is that it crashes when you apply settings, but they do apply. All the settings I tried on the fans worked great. The strips did not work as well, I am assuming because the modes are different so the command does not match the name. The strips did take the settings that I applied, just not the right mode so it was not actually what I chose. Thank you both for all your great work so far! I enjoyed the ease of Link, but the possibilities are endless with this setup if you know how to use it.


    Ok, Visual Studio is a lot easy but, as for every software, the first time you have to invest a bit of time to get familiar with the development environment; if you have any questions don't esitate to ask.


    Building features without the ability to try them is like a blindfold-jump :biggrin:; By reading the Charixfox firmware documentation I understand that the difference between fans and stripes is only the group number (fans 1 to 6, stripes 7 to 10), example:


    sets BPM mode needs 4 parameters:


    - fan number 1 needs the following command:

    ^1.0.6, #selected mode: BPM

    ^1.1.2, #BPM parameter

    ^1.2.200, #Hue multiplier parameter

    ^1.7.10 #Beat multiplier parameter



    - stripe number 1 needs the following command:

    ^7.0.6, #selected mode: BPM

    ^7.1.2, #BPM parameter

    ^7.2.200, #Hue multiplier parameter

    ^7.7.10 #Beat multiplier parameter


    that's exactly what the application does.


    @Charixfox is that correct or I'm doing something wrong?

  10. Awesome! How do I run this? I tried running it in visual studio but when I try to apply a setting it gives me an error. Like I said, I'm new to the coding part of this so sorry for newbie questions.


    What error message it gives you?



    I add a zip file containing the current version of the application (.NET Framework 4.6.2 required), and I have to add logging feature in the next version :biggrin:


  11. Quite awesome. Keep in mind GitHub can be used to keep track of Enhancements and Bugs too, so you can create tickets for things you intend to do and so on. After all, I wouldn't count my code as complete, but it's there. ^.^


    Keep in mind I'm also happy to code firmware improvements that make things easier for the software and so on. For example, the firmware will dump its current settings to the com port, which is one thing. And there's firmware flash save of settings that might be a good idea to implement in the software. Many, many things of fun.


    I'm not very familiar with GitHub, some practice needed...

    the project is here: https://github.com/kubdotnet/LedControllerEngine

  12. Yay! Not-WinForms. ^.^


    That's an excellent start though. More friendly UI than what I was tinkering with. I see where there are some things to do (like 'move stage to live' XD otherwise Stage does nothing at all). I see you skipped Fade to Black, which makes sense. That's a specialty thing more useful for realtime control. And I suppose Set RGB Color is boring, but it is the only way to control anything other than the Hue with full saturation and value. So can't get white without it, or other subtle things that are not rainbow doom.


    What's your opinion on ticked sliders and updating on slider change for realtime feedback? Or within reasonable limits. Wait for it to be stable for 500ms before updating for example. The sliders can have extra data related (Like hue charts) or the option to have ticks locked to fan-divisor or mode-based divisor values


    When you GitHub it, I'll be happy to contribute if I can. I tend to dislike asking people to do things if I'm not willing to try to do it myself, even if I suck at it. ^.^;


    I plan to introduce color-pickers for HUE related values.


    Updating fans in real-time requires a bit of changes in the component that communicates with the board and the objects behind the UI; atm communication with the board is opened and closed each time, real-time updates requires communication always opened. Could be a future feature.


    Fade-to-black and RGB modes are missing because I was out-of-time :biggrin:, they're waiting on my backlog!

  13. What is it coded in? Is it on a Git repository? Sometimes more coders makes things easier. I didn't get past the basic trying to design the UI on mine.


    I was considering doing something along the lines of sliders for the eight settings for each fan and changing the range limits and tick granularity based on the mode and other settings in place.


    It's a WPF application written in C#; atm everything is on my local disks, I'll put everything on github later.


    Have attached some screenshots of what I've done (more is needed to reach release state :winking:).




  14. Hello, thanks Charixfox for your nice work.


    After some tries I decided to develop a small windows software to send settings easily, atm is rough and only converts and sends selected settings to Charixfox's firmware (and ofc more work is needed to have a decent version). In a future version I'm planning to allow presets creation and configure the software to auto switch modes in a timed manner.


    EDIT: I forgot a piece of message :D: I don't have any stripes, so at the moment only Fans are supported.

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