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  1. Well there are a few ones, maybe one for ekko, a jungle irelia maybe (so F would flash the colour of chilling smite), a spirit godyr one based on the standard layout, but with each stance flashing the stance color on the keyboard and the border flashing the four different stance colors (again with f being chilling smite) and then a nice minecraft one, if you need to know the keys I use most often its WASDE~ and left shift (go crazy :D) If you dont want to make all of those (I wouldn't lol) the two I would prefer the most are the spirit godyr one followed by the minecraft one
  2. Rainbow effect, similar to the one linked in attatchments, but where when pressing a key a solid color comes out instead of a rainbow of colors. I'd prefer having the colors be in a line like this, red being 1qaz and left alt, orange being f1 2wsx, etc. Thank you!megarainbow.prf
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