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Everything posted by The_Jolly_Roger

  1. MSC, congratulations on writing this driver! It is working very good on my K70 and I very much appreciate it. If you have need for any K70 testing pm me. So the last week little by little i have been writing a new lighting effect, and now that its complete i'd like show it to you guys and ask for oppinions. The effect is called Life and its based on a evloutionary cell game called Conways Game of Life. [ame=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NbPGT8dI94&feature=youtu.be]Short Youtbe demo[/ame] The idea was to create an effect much like MSC-s random effect, that will always change the lighting to something different and interesting, but won't be too flashy so that it draws your attention off the screen. I have also made it interactive so that each key (cell) you press comes to life and then interacts with its environment (surrounding keys) and continues the cycle of life. When the effect is run, life is generated randomly and lives on for 30-60 sec, and then it dies out (except for still life, wiki it). After that every live cell and any interactions between them are the direct result of your typing, so it is a interactive lighting effect with its own little game running with rules and so on. If youre interested read the wiki. It is not very flashy and fabolous as most of the windows effects, but that was exactly the intention so that its pretty and interesting for everyday use and not showcasing 16m colours to friends. The effect is only beta now. I have integrated it into MSCs ckb program as one of the available effect so that , if he doesnt mind, he can include it in his future releases. I have forked it so you can compile it and try out, and i would like to hear your opinions on it. There is only one problem with the effect right now and that is the key press reader. Since MSC hasnt integrated a keypress reader API or smthing like it i have written a function that will read directly from the input files, on my ubuntu located on /dev/input/event0-9. The program probes these files if they are keyboard input files, and if they are starts reading from them. I have no idea how that will function on other linux systems, let alone mac, so feel fre to post your problems and lets hope that MSC will make a real system for this and not this junk that i use for reading. EDIT: I just saw that you included some keypress notifications in the last release, i will check tomorrow if i can use them for keypres reports. I added another video demonstrating two oscilators and two forms of still life, since the initial video is pretty boring. [ame=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0g1JljwJNw&feature=youtu.be]Video 2[/ame]
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