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RM850 Orientation


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First of all, I do understand that the RM850 doesn't have any orientation requirement, it can face up or down. But here's my concern for my particular case. Please advise.


Base on the system spec I'm building (not my own PC in my profile), the RM850's fan will probably not turn on most of the time. From what I understood, it was design to rely on ambient airflow when the fan isn't spinning.


The casing mounts the PSU at the bottom. I'm thinking, if the fan is facing downwards, there will be almost no any air movement through the PSU (no any fans blowing directly to the PC where it will be located.)


Does that mean I should face the fan up, to allow the flowing air in the casing to create some airflow through the PSU? My only concern is is dust settling right into the PSU, or the hot air being dump by the graphic card. On the other hand, if its facing down, the heat might get trapped in the PSU :sigh!:


Thanks for your time.

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I have my ax1200i fan down in a haf x case has about 1 centimeter of space under it ish with air inlet my ambient is 20 to 25c and my psu never really gets to hot it idles about 29c and when gaming goes up to about 39 to 45c fan has only come on once but heat seams fine keeps it free from dust aswell when I had it facing up case temp went up a couple of degrees but not much.
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On the other hand, if its facing down, the heat might get trapped in the PSU


You don't have to worry about heat.


If it reaches a certain load/temperature, the fan will kick in.


I have mine facing down, and the fan has never turned on.


With 25 ambient, the PSU is about 33-35.


The highest I've seen it is about 45, but even then the fan hasn't spun.


Which is great as it means less dust and noise.

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