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TW3X4G1333C9A cold start problem


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I have a problem, I got a blue screen just during cold start (after 5 hours of PC non use) using 2x2 GB kit TW3X4G1333C9A


I had this problem with mobo ASUS M4A785D-V EVO and now with the 890GPA-UD3H Gbyte.


Exept this the RAM are fine, (mem test ok an both 2 modules)


If I try to use other 2 modules (I try with Corsair 2x2 G kit CMX6GX3M3C1600C7 no problem is working fine.


Is clear that one or both modules are fulty, or not compatible with AMD Mobo's.


The problem is that the reseller to change my RAM perform the ram test, and for this test RAM is fine!


Some suggestions? I read tht increase the RAM voltage can help (now all the system is auto)

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