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Boot Issue Using Dominator CM2X1024-6400C4D


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Hello. I am currently Running a Crosshair Motherboard.I have been using 2 matched 1gig sticks of Corsair CM2x1024-6400C4 which have been working fine for a few months now. Recently however one of those sticks stopped working completely. When that one stick stopped working it caused my computer to not boot correctly. Everything would power up but the LCD screen on the Motherboard would get stuck at "DET DRAM". Taking that stick of ram out however let my computer boot correctly.


I just recently ordered and received a matched pair of Corsair Dominator CM2x1024-6400C4D. I removed my old working stick of ram and replaced it with both of my new sticks of ram. I get the same problem. Everything on my computer gets power but the motherboard gets stuck at "DET DRAM". Ive Swapped out sticks ran just 1 stick in the computer then ran the other. Ran them in all 4 of the ram slots and nothing.


I am having problems believing that both sticks of ram that i received are bad. Ive extremely careful when it comes to working on my computer I ground myself etc to keep from anything going wrong due to myself. Could this be due to my motherboard not supporting this particular ram? Possible BIOS update ? Any help would be appreciated id really hate to have to send the ram back if it isn't actually bad.


Thanks in advance.

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