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What is 3-4-4-8 ?

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i bought a Corsair 2GB TwinX2048 4000PT... and i have looked this forum over and i can see that those are the timings, but i can't seem to find what they refer to. i know the first number is the cas latency but what about the rest? i asked on another forum and someone replied that it was cas, ras to cas, ras precharge, and ras to ras. so i go into my bios and that seems to work with the exception of the last one, ras to ras only gives me the options of 2, 3, 4, and auto.


so far i can't get this ram stable at anything above the default 200mhz and i'm pretty unhappy but read i should try setting the timings manually so i'm trying that now.


any help getting me rolling on this would be appreciated, so thanks in advance :)

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For overclocking an AMD 4400+ X2, you'll need a pretty beefy power supply, especially with that 7900GTX.


I'd suggest in the range of 600 Watts!


And for your modules, 2.9 volts on the vDIMM/DDR Voltage setting is advisable.




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thanks for the extra advice, i have an antec neopower 550 watt power supply. you think i still need some extra juice in here?


i feel like a goober cause i just fired up cpu-z and in the spd section i could've probably figured out what those numbers meant. however on the tRAS setting, cpu-z shows it as 10 but in my bios it is set to 8. i noticed the actual setting in my bios says min ras# active so i'm guessing that means it has the option to lower itself to 8 if need be (note keyword "guessing").


i've been doing the torture test in prime95 and i am at 250 right now but it craps out in a min or so, i'm gonna go back and raise the voltage to 2.9 on the ram and see if it helps. with prime crapping out is that more of a cpu problem or a ram problem? i have my multiplier at 9.

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Make sure your HTT frequency isn't still at 5 as well, try to keep it under 1100 (so 4x in this case) and if your voltage rails are stable, then your power supply should be alright.


And yes, I'd expect Prime95 to really stress the whole system, so a small bump in vCore may help as well.


As for the tRAS setting, your mainboard may or may not set it according to it's own wishes, but it's not unheard of. If that was the way the setting was described, it may be so.


FWIW, CPU-Z is not the end-all-be-all of information and can often be incorrect, but it is a powerful tool none the less. Make sure the screen you're looking at is the 'memory' tab and not the 'SPD' tab as well.




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i was looking in the spd section heh, yeah in the memory section it shows 8.


my cpu voltage is at 1.4 and i now have the ram at 2.9. i also have a setting that says ddr reference voltage and it ranges from -60mv to +60mv, should i change that around any? by default it is at -20mv.


my htt bus is set to 4x for now, i cannot get it to boot at 250 with it set to 5x.

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I'd leave that reference voltage alone for now! As I tried to explain, the HTT frequency usually cannot exceed 1,100MHz, so at 250MHz FSB and a 4x HTT, that's 1,000 already. A 5x at 250MHz would be 1,250, well above the limit. Not being able to boot with that setting in expected.


Also, if you're still getting errors, try keeping your case EXTREMELY cool with the A/C on, open the side of your case and point a large fan directly into it. This is to make sure that your system isn't overheating.


Additionally, you can try your VCore at 1.45-1.50 and see if that helps, but this will create an increased thermal load on your cooler as well, so make sure your case is dust-free and has adequate ventilation.


If the modules pass Memtest86+, then these issues point to a heat or CPU problem.




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Thanks again CK, i had read that you had to keep the HTT bus at 1000 or below over at anandtech. I'll let it run memtest tonight while i'm out of the office (yeah it's my work computer too) to find out if its the ram or cpu. as far as temps go it's pretty cool in here, we keep it rather frigid. it's usually 68 to 74 in here and i already keep the side off of it. i have a uguru panel that says the cpu is 42 when it's under a load but it also has a reading for a pwm that gets up to 50 whenever i'm playing or got it under a load. i'm beginning to think maybe that panel as cpu and pwm reversed.



i have no idea what pwm is anyway. i also thought about maybe looking for a newer bios as i haven't even checked to see what version mine is or whats the newest out.


i appreciate your help and i'll try not to bug you anymore. it still crashes with prime but i've been playing oblivion all afternoon with no problems. go figure

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well unless i'm reading it wrong it looks like the ram is ok. in the upper right hand corner it said pass 70%, test 20%, test #7, and the stats below it said wall time = 13hrs 58mins, cached 2047, rsvdmem 276, memmap e820-std, cache on, ecc off, test std, pass 19, errors 0, ecc errs was blank.


unless i'm reading it wrong i guess it made it that far with no errors? which would mean my cpu is the culprit from prime crapping out. i think i might up the voltage some more and see how it handles. i am still able to play oblivion and battlefield with no hiccups or errors and oblivion really seems to benefit from it the most as i notice less studdering and dragging, especially in fighting in the outside areas where it really likes to drag.

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well i think my ram is pretty stable but i still get errors with prime. sometimes it'll run for 1 min and crap out and sometimes it'll run for a half hour or more. oblivion crashes from time to time but i just load it back up and keep playing.


i have upped my voltage to 1.45 and the cpu is only overclocked by 50mhz (250 x 9). I wonder why it keeps crashing? i guess i could try lowering the multiplier to 8.5 and see what happens. hmm wonder if i could get 275 x 8, that would give me 2200 even?

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well this sucks


i took your advice and i'm trying 240 x 9.5 and it's sitting here running prime like a charm with no errors. this ram is supposed to be able to handle 250... i wonder if the problem is on my end or the ram? it's only 10mhz and i'm not all that upset over it but it's just that for years and years now i have bought into the hype of buying really expensive ram to have it never quite perform like it was supposed to or like the reviewers said theirs performed and i'm just sort of a little peeved over it


what do you think, would you go through the trouble of rma'ing it or just deal with it? dealing with it is nothing i haven't done before...


oh yeah pwm stands for power modules, my guess would be like yours, must be talking about the mosfets

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