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Help needed with Asus a8v + twinx 2x512 3200c2


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I just bought A new motherboard and processor. The board is an asus a8v and the processor an amd64 3200+. i also installed a corsair kit of 2 x 512mb twinx 3200c2 kit.

When i boot my computer i get 3 short beeps... I looked it up and it says: 3 short Base 64K memory failure A memory failure has occurred in the first 64K of RAM. The RAM IC is probably bad.

I tried to flash my bios, switch the ram modules, tried them one by one, tried the correct settings for my ram, run memtest (no faults).

So has anyone got any ideas what the problem might be??

According to you're site my ram is compatible with my MoBo...

Really running out of options over here, so any help in the right direction would be great

Thanx in advance Bas

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